Saturday, April 23, 2005

near future

with the hrm paper out of the way, the only obstacle to freedom (or being a bummer as yl tactfully put it) is the fyp presentation next friday. keeping fingers crossed that mister ks yeo won't ask me abt the math.....or the programming cuz i know nuts abt them.
just lemme grad... BUT no interviews yet, no job offers. when will i get employed?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yl: i m the 1st person to leave a comment honoured!!! hahaha..anyway no need to be shy lah..must be confident..n dun worry too much abt the finding job thing..everyone who's graduating seems to be worrying abt the same'll all turn out ok..really! at most go be a mcdonalds auntie lor..hahaha

Saturday, April 23, 2005 6:15:00 PM  

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