Friday, May 06, 2005

it will never be

i've always disliked this phrase: just do your best.
is there a "best"? consider studying for a test. u can study like 24 hrs a day, but can still further improve on that by improving the quality of your study time. or if u are writing an essay, u can go over it more times, gather more data or let more pple vet thru. i say that there's no absolute limit, hence there's ALWAYS room for improvement.

The best is yet to be:
It will never be.

however, trying to push the boundaries like achieving A+ for everything does have its consequences, like a lower quality of life. it's only when i matriculated that i decided to sort of put studies at a second spot. this is cliche, but everything does boil down to a balance of priorities. and now my priority is to enjoy life. =D

(aiyah, i dunno what i'm trying to preach here man)


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