Wednesday, October 04, 2006


it is quite a challenge to continue writing as before, when i suddenly realise i have new audiences and that pple whom i thought have stopped visiting this site are actually still reading. hmm!

Heck care!

hmm....a few things to mention today:

1. heater
we have switched on the heater tonight, and its working fine. i can just see the electricity bill shoot skyhigh! it's only the first few days of October! still have nov, dec, jan, feb........jialat. it was 8 deg when i cycled to work this morning, and my ears and hands were pain with cold. Brrr....

2. stupid pple
some pple msn me, and i reply, expecting a further response. BUT time and again, i don't hear from them after that initial msg. WHY? so @#@#% irritating. =( not gg to reply already next time.

3. new job
today was day 2 at my new dept. it felt funny walking past my old dept each time i go to the pantry or washroom. i feel like i should smile and talk to my old dept pple, but i think it's quite silly to do that for like at least 8 times a day?? (to and fro mah). maybe i'll just do it for a couple more days and see how. hehe....

4. AWT
who can guess what's AWT?


have a nice day!


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