Wednesday, May 18, 2005


coz i was sick and i had to walk 1/2 hr to the place and then sat down andwaited for 1 hr, listening to piped in musici was so tired when it was my turnlast my ans were just normal feel that they don;t really seem intersted and i foudn out that my chances at my dream company are low.

was shivering and hot and aching all over for the night. and i had 2 panadols for breakfast. how much energy could i have for the interview?

worst come to worst, i'll go for a really long trip somewhere lor.

--> my parents are laughing at me for being upset over the interview. hmpf! but i guess they are right. hehe.. i just wanna whine and enjoy being upset (??) for a while.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

aiyoh, lately weather so erratic muz take care hor.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10:53:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...

ahh who is this?

Thursday, May 19, 2005 12:38:00 PM  

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