Friday, May 13, 2005

today is actually a gd day

1. my mortar board size is XS, or 6 and 1/4. as witnessed by qw in the forum co-op. pretty small!

2. i got a call from EAGLES for an interview next wed. i couldn't hear the person properly and had to ask her to repeat several times....=( but yay! my first interview! (phillip capital doesn't count)

3. on my way to hand up the bounded thesis in Science park 2, i passed by a fountain. it's not like the ones outside taka; the water is sprayed up in a mist. some trees obscured my view, but there was no way i could have missed the amazing sight... ...of a brilliant rainbow created on the mist. it was the most brightly-coloured and nearest rainbow i have ever seen! i stopped in my tracks and stared at the fountain for at least 5 min, enjoying the precious view and wondering if it has any significance. (well, i was so upset abt new zealand just yesterday, and today i got a call for interview...)
too bad i don't have a camera phone, o/w can show u all how strong the colours were.

uh, do u know that u can't see rainbows from some angles? i guess it's to do with the refraction direction/thickness of mist, etc.

--> note: it's not that, but rather the sun has to be behind me while i stare ahead at the fountain.

and i also wondered why rainbows are always in an arch. going to google that now!

--> When the sunlight enters a raindrop it is refracted, or bent, by and reflected from the drop in such a way that the light appears as a spectrum of colors. The colors can be seen, however, only when the angle of reflection between the sun, the drop of water, and the observer's line of vision is between 40° and 42°.

When the sun is low in the sky the rainbow appears relatively high; as the sun rises higher, the rainbow appears lower in the sky, maintaining the critical 40°- to 42°-angle.
(from encarta)

oh cool! i found a fantastic website!
all about rainbows!


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