Monday, June 13, 2005

i can't control my brain

hehe... do i sound like a potential mental patient?

i frequently hear from frens and family things like "yiwen, you think too much." i think that's very true, but i can't help it.

for instance the one issue that has been preoccupying (sp is rite! i checked me is looking for jobs. so far i have been to 3 interviews, and of course i'm not satisfied with the kind of responses i gave during those interviews. whenever my mind is free, it will replay some instances of the interviews, and i'll think of alternative answers that i could give, or improve on my body language so that i can portray a good image, etc. it's never ending, and sometimes it drives me crazy. for eg., this morning i woke up to find that my brain is trying to answer "why are your results not better?".....

interviews are not the only times when my brain does such replaying. i think other situations of (high) stress also resurface every now and then. in yr1, when i was still playing netball in hall, sometimes i'll automatically visualize myself under the net, trying to grab a rebound. i see my fingers stretching upwards, sometimes grabbing the ball, other times tapping it away from my opponent. for some weird reason, that actually gave me a mini adrenaline rush. i think such "uncontrolled" thinking helped to improve my game.
it was not till some time later that i found out this is a positive thinking technique employed by athletes to increase mental strength.

anyway, i'd rather not think so much...

qianwen! i dunno if u can read this... but enjoy urself there! (uh, uk rite?)

for the bored ones, here are 2 games to play.

yilin LOVES this one: H.K. cafe

i personally like this one better... hehe. it's easier! Dai Pai Dong


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