Thursday, December 28, 2006

here's the evidence

i was going thru the pile of pamphlets and tickets i gathered from my italy trip... and found the following bits to be keep-worthy.

Bus and train tickets in Naples...different colors, different schemes, different days, different prices!

Train ticket! this one is from Venice to Rome, on our 2nd last day..

the 4 hostels i stayed at:

Friends we made at the Rome hostel (some of whom we met again at the Florence hostel and Ciampino Rome airport, later on in the trip)

and here is proof of our creepy roommate in venice! the following letter was written by our only other roommate and left on my bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the last pic is worth a million bucks! hahah... that's so funny... the other room mate must be really something


Friday, December 29, 2006 10:09:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...

yes.....she really is someTHING...... =P

Saturday, December 30, 2006 5:44:00 AM  

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