Friday, January 05, 2007

weird post

i think i am anaemic. a brief search on google revealed that some pple are naturally anaemic, which i belive i am:

anaemic because:
1. the blood tests show so
2. i feel the cold

naturally anaemic because:
1. i dont have known excessive loss of blood like heavy monthly things, or bowel bleeding
2. i eat a lot of iron n folate but still anaemic
3. i bruise easily and the bruises take a long time to go away
4. i've got dark eye rings even though i sleep moderate hours. (dark rings are a symptom of anaemia, especially in the young)

conclusion: i'm naturally anaemic coz my vein and blood vessel walls are too fragile, and they leak. blood picked up by lymphatics and discharged through the bowel.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dun worry too much, i think it is quite a common condition. try to take some iron supplements, will help. I know of a brand called Sangobion.

Saturday, January 06, 2007 11:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh dun worry too much, i think it is quite a common condition. try to take some iron supplements, will help. I know of a brand called Sangobion.

Saturday, January 06, 2007 11:06:00 AM  
Blogger who? said...

hahhaha are u so worried for me u posted twice? =P hehhhe

actually i was happy abt this discovery, coz i have finally found a (hopefully reliable) solution to my problems. all along nobody suggested something like that...everyhting just fell into place with this one diagnosis. i'll try out the iron and folate supplements when i get back :P

Saturday, January 06, 2007 7:14:00 PM  

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