Monday, June 20, 2005

20th june 2005

good morning!

i woke up today, all fired up and recharged for another round of job hunting. i was ready to take on temp jobs incl sales and waitressing! haha..except that i think i cant do waitressing coz the plates, etc are so heavy. anyway i eagerly flipped through the tiny Part/Temp section of the Recruit/Classifieds..... mostly part time perm jobs. the only temp jobs avail seem to be those "Students on Vacation! Fast money!".

and i think my neighbours have started to notice someone leeching their networks, and begun to password-protect their wireless.. =( and the best wireless connection i can have is only of "Low" connection quality. that's insufficient to surf or chat thru icq/msn. so i've to be in my rm if i want internet. don't worry, i'm gg to apply for starhub connenction soon. just haven;t decided upon the plan yet. =P


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