Wednesday, June 15, 2005

guess who i met?

i was at marine parade with trish yesterday, and met this person whom i havent seen for 7 yrs. and we still recognized each other! remember a male chn teacher in rgs called 郑伟亮? yup... mr.cheang. he was my sec2 chn teacher and also eca teacher (whom i kind of defeated at a game of table tennis...=P).

he was just wearing polo T and shorts, and he looked so shy! hahhaha.. it's as if i was the teacher and he's the student! he didn't seem to have aged at all though...and i think he looks shorter than i remembered. (trish, is he shorter than us?)

after the initial smile, he looked nervous and like dunno what to do. so i tried to 问后 and asked if he stays around here. he replied (shyly!) that he used to stay there, and just came back to see see.

hehe...interesting encounter. he used to be weirdly serious and seriously weird in sch, but i saw another side of him yest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I HATE TERENCE. I HATE TERENCE. I HATE TERENCE. u noe how i've been like taking videos of frenz right? then he pester me to let him see & i send 1 to him of leslie & mervin & me & u noe wat?! say i look ah lian & all sorts of accusations. I HATE HIM. WAT THE HECK. its not my fault if they were talking abt drinking & i was like, haha no lar i dun drink. wapiangz. THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS I DUN DRINK. SHEESH. HELLO. & even u & huiyun drink beer. i just hate the taste of it. i hate being judged by discriminating idiots like him who thinks badly of long haired frenz like mervin. WHATEVER. STUPID TERENCE. I HATE THAT IDIOT. sorry wen. clog up ur commen box. i think yue liang is super nice compared to this idiot. wat an idiot. no matter how weird yue liang is, cannot compare with this supreme idiot.

Friday, June 17, 2005 1:45:00 AM  
Blogger who? said...

hello....u r welcome to talk here..=) i really don't get the two of u man.. hehe...

hope u can sort things out soon =)

Friday, June 17, 2005 8:34:00 AM  

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