Saturday, August 13, 2005

been sick

1. had throat infection.
i almost couldn't breathe during the night because the back of my mouth/throat was so swollen. spent 2 hrs waiting at the doc's because although the clinic opens at 9am, the doc comes in only at 9:45am. this situation isn't unique to this clinic, but happens elsewhere too. i think it is pretty pointless.... anyway, i was patient no. 6, so i thought it wouldn't be that bad. (i reached the clinic at 9:15)
wah lau..... each patient took like 15 to 20 min lor!
i was a bit grumpy when it was finally my turn, and was ready to show my grouchy face to the slow-poke doc. i didn't.

he was so nice and smiley and, um, rotund, that i couldn't bear to be grouchy. this reminds me of a phrase in some book (to kill a mockingbird, maybe).
"anger just doesn't stick to her"
anyway he was quite patient lah, and asked me a lot of questions like how frequently does my infection occur, etc. i asked him the root cause of the infection and together, we went through several possible causes, eliminating them one by one. in the end, we concluded that it was due to my body's low immunity (uh..becuz of the late nights, heheh..).
no wonder the wait was so long! i think i took abt 15 min too for my turn. =P
somewhere during the check-up he asked if i was schooling or working. i was tempted to say "neither" and then be amused at his surprised face for a few seconds. but then, becuz he was so nice, i couldn't say it out. =so i said i just grad 3 mths ago from mech eng, nus, and am looking for a job.
then he said, "Oh! mech eng, nus? a few days ago i also had a lady who just graduated and looking for a job! i can't rem her name....hmm...."
he didn't manage to rem. but he said. "Hmm, u better get well first before going for interviews, otherwise u will jeopardise your chances."

so nice right? hehhhee

2. job offerS.
(i) my monday interview at a valve company was quite successful, and the interviewer discussed salary, leave, benefits, etc. the HR manager was on leave till 15 Aug, so i have to wait till then for a response. he also said "meanwhile, don't apply for any more jobs."

(ii) on thursday, i got a call from edb regarding the training and attachment program with rolls royce. i was invited for a briefing on 17th Aug. they will give me the contract then. i have to pass a medical examination, sign the contract and then i'll be on my way to the UK. WOOHOO!!!!

(iii) on friday, someone from ST (not straits times!) called me.
"Uh, Miss Khoo, are u currently in any employment?"
"We are having some changes to the recruitment process, so there are some delays. we are reviewing your application for XXX engr. Are you still interested?"
"Uh, yes."
"I'll let the person-in-charge know and we'll get back to you."
this one is really unexpected, because the interviews were more than 2 mths ago. i thought it's a gone case already...

to summarise...i think after a very long drought, i suddenly have 3 potential offers which i am considerably interested in. (zephan-boy, have u been blessing me?)



Blogger who? said...


Saturday, August 13, 2005 7:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for you! I think your wait for a job is gonna be over soon! :) I hope mine will be too! :)

Saturday, August 13, 2005 9:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow congrats! :) which one are u going to take? :P
get well soon..we can meet up next week. haven't seen u for a long time!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:50:00 PM  

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