Monday, October 23, 2006


i've been feeling rather down and antisocial these few days... and it doesnt seem like my mood will change anytime soon. maybe it's because I haven't secured a satisfactory way of getting to work, or maybe it's just the weather... sucks man..
everyday the sun rises by 2 min later than the day before...
well, i think the daylight saving stuff will kick in at the end of this wk, so just have to tahan and see how. maybe fri will be cab day..
sigh...dunno why i am so upset abt transportation. it will just be a matter of whether i am willing to part with my money for safety and comfort. not that i can't manage to hire a cab or something...i just need to call the taxi co.
i think it's possibly the fact that surviving/living in uk is so difficult. the very grains of rice i chew each day has to be carried home in my backpack, while i pedal away on my bike, dodging cars and pedestrians along the way. stupid garlic has to be chopped and a million things washed, just to have an edible meal...

and i can't stand my housemate's gf. she keeps msning me but i dont even know her! and she is so "deh"... and does silly things like calling her bf "adam", just coz her name is eve. like now, she is msning me "is adam home yet?"
ugh... and i have to give up my rm to the two of them when she comes over in dec! the most i will do is sleep in his bed and they sleep in my bed, but no way will i give up the use of my bathroom, esp when i need to wash up in the morning and bathe in the afternoon. heck care if she gets woken up. they have even casually discussed on ways of locking the room from the inside. we WILL see abt that!

rite at this very moment, i'm their topic of conversation.....something abt me from rgs and vj.............................................


Anonymous Anonymous said...

strange housemate (& galfriend) u've got there. i'll find it pretty gross to sleep on a guy's bed and a couple sleeping on mine! he should get a sleeping bag or just co-share the single bed lah...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006 4:48:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...

haha...i just miss my sea-shell bedsheets at home!!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 26, 2006 3:05:00 AM  

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