Sunday, August 21, 2005


i've refrained from writing this blog 3 times, but i really cant take it anymore. welcome to the marder-bashing time.

a stack of stools needed to be brought downstairs to the car. she said to my farder and i "either one of u carry". farder old man, so i carry lor. farder went down to car. she then emerged from the kitchen with 2 bags of stuff, quite heavy. then she lost her mind and started ranting at how stupid we are, why never ask him to carry the stools down, now she has to carry both the bags of stuff. i'm damn used to such rubbish, so i just ignored her and locked the door, etc, and went into the lift with her. she shrieked and screamed and stomped her foot, like a 4 yr old, all the while raving abt how stupid we are. we were not alone in the lift. our sole companion, a 9yr old girl, looked terrified. marder even asked her "you say she stupid or not, har??" i pity the girl.
HELLO! u want to act like a toddler, it's bad enough to do it at home! how can u even carry it outside, and behave like s*** in front of strangers? she later screamed that she wanted one of us to carry the stools and the other to carry a bag. but all she had said was "EITHER ONE OF YOU" were we supposed to know there were 2 BIG BAGS TO CARRYY??!!!!

another time, she couldnt find the car which my farder had parked the day before. she was going to be late for work. she hammered on the front door, screaming and shrieking like a lunatic, and all sorts of weird body lang came out. my farder was half-dressed, but had to run downstairs to find the car with her. once again, the lift was full of neighbours and she shrieked all the way down.

driving. first gear, accelerate, neutral until almost zero speed, then 2nd gear, accelerate, neutral until almost zero speed, then 3rd gear. WTH is the use of changing gear when u drop to zero kmh again? i voiced out my query, minus the expletive of course. once again, she shrieked and screamed and stomped.

can someone pls tell me how to have the littlest bit of respect for her?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dun worry, things will improve when you come back from your 9mths stint in UK. trust me. *wink*


Sunday, August 21, 2005 7:51:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...

haiz...i'm not angry liao, just desparate and weary. these things happen over and over again and each time i feel sooo upset with her. how can such a person exist?

Monday, August 22, 2005 9:26:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats on ur new job! n relax lah, afterall u have stayed with this person 4 as long as u lived rite haha

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 6:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe,i've been through the things u went through b4.somehow u all juz need to be seperated for a while,it helps.dun believe,wana bet with me? 18mths later we c who wins?


Tuesday, August 23, 2005 10:43:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe dear, dun worry, parents are liddat. u shd see mine sometimes ;p at least nw we can blame our childishness on - no, not our genes - but the environment in which we were brought up!! ;) hahaha anyway just love her lor. she did like carry u ard for 9 mth. see ur sis how jialat..

Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:58:00 PM  

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