Friday, August 26, 2005

things that free and unemployed pple do

include going to the new library on a weekday afternoon, where the unemployed meet the retired. =D

yup, i went to the new national lib with jaclyn on thurs, and we explored the building like a couple of mountain turtles, behaving even more mountain turtle than the hordes of retirees already there.

hmm, the lib had a nice lobby, and we were looking at the "directory", trying to figure out which floor to go to. uh... there was a sign saying: "Only the books in Basement 1 can be borrowed." uh... ok. that was a little disappointment. i thought the new lib would have one floor for english fiction, one for non-fiction, etc. granted, there are reference levels like the sing-malay collections, but now that we have no more term papers to write, it's not very useful to us.

ok so off we go to the BASEMENT.(like a cellar or a dungeon!)
the lift lobby was wide. there were 5 lift wells, on 2 opposite walls. so 3 lifts on one side and 2 on the other. suddenly we heard a soft "ding". ok, our lift is here. but wait.... which one is it? i noticed one set of doors opening.'s at the extreme end. i ran to that lift, trying to get to it before the doors closed. i think they did close before i managed to reach the "up" button to call for the lift. ughh
looked so dumb. i was wearing sneakers n jeans, and i almost missed the lift! argh! can't believe it. and as mentioned earlier, the lobby was wide. it felt almost like i was playing dog and bone.

ok so we got to the basement. we all know that u shud switch ur hp to silent mode, no talking in the lib, no eating n drinking, etc. but do u know it's an offence to SLEEP IN THE LIB? yup, that's wat one sign said. could be for two reasons. a sleeper would suck up precious aircon and take up precious seating space, or a sleeper would sometimes snore loudly, disrupting everyone else in the lib who truly want to read. the sign didnt state "No sleeping. Fine $500", so maybe a librarian will roam around and poke any sleepers awake.

we browsed thru some foreign newspapers and tried very hard to borrow at least one chinese book each. ugh. i went thru all the shelves, but none interested me enough to even read the synopsis. HAHA...time for the english side! =P

english non-fiction. i zoomed into the "astronomy" and "physics" section. yay! hehe..i found a few bks of interest, and chose to borrow one of them. the title is Strange Matters- Undiscovered ideas at the Frontiers of Space and Time. =D
i don't think i can handle 2 serious books for each loan, so off i went to the fiction part.

uh, i can borrow a bk just becuz it's new, and i reasonably like it. that posed a problem. i walked out of the fiction section with 5 thick novels (plus my strange matters) and dropped my pile of books twice. i borrowed all six bks in the end, and my shoulders ached from the load in my bag.....

borrowing the bks using the self-service machines gave a little surprise. first, i made a really dumb booboo which i hoped nobody saw. the screen had a msg, asking me to choose the language. i tapped on english, of course. the problem is, i tapped the blue zone where u are supposed to put the bks, thinking that the system is like my laptop with the built-in mouse. ugh. after tapping a few times without a response, it suddenly occurred to me that hey, this might be a touchscreen u know. and so it was. *embarrassed*
ok. english selected. time to insert the lib card. then i saw an unfamiliar message on the screen: Are you using someone else's card? It is an offence to use an unauthorised card.

uh...that stunned me for a while. i was just going to insert my mother's card. hahahha...coz i had 6 bks mah. heck care. they shud remove the doesn't have any real effect.

while borrowing the bks, jac found she had 2 unpaid fines. so off we went to the conveniently-located e-kiosks where u pay fines. the machine deducted the amt for 2 fines, and printed out the receipt. yay, all's fine! (cuz not, otherwise i won't bother to write this out)
she could borrow the bks on that card, but hte record still showed she had one unpaid fine, still being processed. so we went to the counter and asked abt it. the staff just popped the cashcard into the nets machine and printed out the entire usage history of that cashcard! so anyone can track u so easily! with just a nets machine.......
anyway, the lady said yes, the amt was deducted from the cashcard and she'd get back to jac the next day. far so gd. then we both went to another 2 e-kiosks to top up our cashcards. i put in my atm card, pressed my pin, then put in the cashcard. trouble struck when the machine was "processing"my cashcard. there was an error msg: "the operation could not be performed. please remove cashcard."

hey! did the money get deducted from my account and fly to outer space? my pin was accepted already! ughhhhhh.....i had no receipt no nothing, so i walked away with a DEEP distrust in e-kiosks.

@#@#^*&@2................ at least i have a pile of bks to cheer me up. =)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are goin to N lib again, i suggest u go look for this magazine call Air International. Is a good magazine for aircrafts


Saturday, August 27, 2005 9:30:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to let you know that the librarian did call me to confirm that the transaction went through and that I don't have to pay an extra $0.60. I enjoyed our mountain turtle day, perhaps the next time (if we are still free and unemployed) we can dash down in the morning so that we can grab seats, browse through magazines and Chinese books and then fall asleep in the afternoon haha...

Saturday, August 27, 2005 10:58:00 AM  

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