Thursday, September 01, 2005

so intriguing!!


i'm reading "Strange matters", a book about space and time. one gd thing abt the bk is that it is very new, so the stuff inside is more current and up to date than others i have read.

i'm 3/4 thru the bk, and am at a part where scientists propose a string theory (that everything is made up of strings rather than particles). don't understand it much yet, but the theory implies there might be 10 or 11 dimensions, and that the universe might only be a few millimetres thick in one dimension. kind of like a sheet of paper. a few inches length, a few inches breath, but probably only 0.5 mm thick.

so exciting!! i can't wait to finish reading the book and other books after that!
currently i only have a very sketchy idea of what all these pple are talking abt, and i really want to be able to piece it all together and get a clear picture. =D


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