Saturday, October 08, 2005

end of wk 1

as i neared home on bus 22 today, at 7pm, i had a sudden and strong desire to lie down on sand and make sand angels. then close my eyes and listen to the sounds of waves, and of trees rustling. i said that to quite a few frens while trying to get someone to go out with me almost immediately. yilin said i was very stressed, and huiyun n trish said i needed a bf.

i didnt realise that my urge was an indication of stress, although on hindsight it may be obvious. =)

anyway i gatecrashed jane n her bf's date at east coast. =D and when i went away to stroll alone for a while, they were happily engaged in *funny* positions and i tried to be discreet and walked away.. HAHAHA! =P
went to find some stretch of beach to sit down, so that i could satisfy my desire. i did half a sand angel with my legs, and watched the waves crash. the huge sky (it's not easy to be able to see a large piece of the sky usually) was quite full of stars and the moving red & blue lights were from the aircraft. wind was nice and moderately strong. (meaning my fringe was vertical most of the time)
suddenly, i saw a streak of bright silver light in the sky, moving quickly towards ground level. could it be....??? as i watched in amazement, the silver stuff burnt up (like a piece of sodium when u put it in water) and then there was no more light.

yes, i have just witnessed my first shooting star. and i didnt make a wish becuz i spent the precious bit of time staring at it, and trying to determine if that was indeed a shooting star. quite dumb right? hehehe...=P

then jane n bf collected me and we walked towards neptune court. upon reaching the overhead bridge @ vj, i felt like walking some more and spending more time in the ecp, so i left the 2 of them, made a u-turn and continued walking.

i decided to drop by the bbq which some colleagues organized as a farewell dinner for a head engr who was leaving the company. really dropped by a while only, like 15 min. i didnt know many pple there either, so i arranged to meet up with trish! =P

her mum drove us to siglap, cafe cartel for supper. at first i was apprehensive abt having supper with a fren n her mother, but heck la...her mum would give me a lift home later, so it's ok..hehe...(it was abt 11pm when we reached siglap). after bread, curry sauce, wedges and pasta, trish wanted lime juice from a kopitiam in tanah merah. so we got into the car again and went to the kopitiam! that was 12 parents would never agree if i had such whims. =P
i think i reached home abt 1am eventually. =P

was pretty stressed, but thks to jane (n bf) and trish (n mother), i'm feeling loads better now! and of course, the single shooting star....


p/s: trish, i know what u did on the way home tonight! MuahahahaahHA!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Hi, I was just blog surfing and found you! If you are interested, go see my wager related site. It isnt anything special but you may still find something of interest.

Saturday, October 08, 2005 1:53:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm, i wish sometimes i can just be like you and wander off somewhere and enjoy the night in the company of frens (and their loved ones) haha.. but, i've got time restriction haha. next time can ask me along! haha...

Saturday, October 08, 2005 6:08:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...

hmm? u have time restriction? we can see how, the next time i have such a "craving". =P

Sunday, October 09, 2005 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn im so tired i actually typed a comment in ur previous entry instead of here. im soo sleepy after lunch, i can't absorb a thing! crap! what was i gonna say? o yah. tell u next time i see u. has to do with me not yet getting my pay and already broke. haha. nah that sounds bad. im actually excited hehe!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 2:35:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sad... it looks like you've become too busy to update anymore. Anyway here's wishing you a happy birthday in advance and all the best in your new job, especially in picking up the relevant knowledge!

Sunday, October 16, 2005 10:21:00 PM  

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