Monday, September 26, 2005


left with only a few remaining carefree days, i begin to think abt the things i did or did not do in the past months.

the most obvious change is the bunch of pple i spend most time with. it's all a matter of convenience really. in sch i was mostly with classmates, or ex-classmates who were still in school. now i see my parents a lot, and also a bunch of pple who were enjoying carefree (aka worry-a-lot-about-getting-a-job) days with me. i'm glad that two of these frens are starting work on the same day as me! =)

meeting up with different grps of frens take some effort. it's not like having lunches of convenience with colleagues. and i really am very lazy and inert when it comes to these things, so please frens, please ask me out! hahahhaha =P

i feel like a blunt knife which hasn't been sharpened for ages, such that i'm beginning to gather moss on the blade! (my hormones are driving me crazy. i mixed in the "rolling stone gathers no moss" as well)
hmm...when was the last time i did some thinking? was it during fyp? uh..or in some uni exam? A levels? ok it sure was a really long time ago.

gosh gosh i dunno what i'm rambling abt..this isnt me!
*shake myself violently*
"who are you?! get out of my body! now!!!"


yeah time to sleep! (hehe..this is me alright!)

btw, to be very bhb and ks, in case anyone wants to give me a bday present, pls contribute a bk voucher towards the "Help yiwen own an astro bk from borders Fund". =) your contributions, no matter how (in)significant, will be greatly appreciated.
thank you and i look forward to hearing from u.

yours sincerely,

(AHH i m gg crazy)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yah i agree u very lazy haha! only see me when u feel its convenient or when im upset. eh wait, not even then la! tsk!! only when i'm TERRIBLY upset :p anyways i shall gladly contribute to ur fund. glad to see ur following my lead in getting a birthday present haha! anyways, we can always meet up during 1st wk of wk. think we'd still be pretty energetic then..this wk like suddenly haf alot of things shd do but no time to do

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:53:00 AM  
Blogger who? said...

hehe...then again, u were terribly upset a number of times! =P gd to see the freq decreasing =P

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 9:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep i'll contribute to your fund too! so who're the other 2 frens starting at the same time? Trisha? :)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005 10:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well here I am after that accidentally sent msg! I have also been doing some thinking and I am glad that our situation the past months has brought us closer together =) I think my social circle is quite limited, partly because I'm quite introverted anyway and partly because I am also quite inert; then again I think it takes effort from both sides to maintain relationships. I will gladly contribute to your book fund; my other group of friends directly asked me what I wanted since no one had time to shop for a present for me, haha. Anyway to answer Jane's question, I am also starting work next Monday - the job that I told you about, but I'm treating it as a temp position while I keep bugging the others who have yet to get back to me.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:15:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep it's mee :) starting work on the same day as yiwen too :) we shd all meet up some day soon! jane, whatever happened to our let's-cycle/exercise-every-saturday thing? hm didn't we talk about that haha

btw yiwen, i was so qi gek yesterday!! i treated my mum to a free facial and i ended up buying this stupid package for her that costs close to 300 bucks for 5 facials. ARGH. i hate it when i get free stuff for my mum man, i always end up paying for some stuff that she buys. ARGHHH. wanted to call u to let off some steam, but then realised that i dun haf ur number wif me - sent my hp in for repair. tsk!

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 1:09:00 PM  

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