Tuesday, September 13, 2005

another trip back to rg

it was fun, chatting with mrs mak (mostly) and mrs ang over a lunch in the canteen. and there was also one other teacher (i don't even recognise her!) who chatted enthusiastically with us. she tried to convince us that the teaching career is the best way to stay young, as the mind is constantly being challenged. (haha... if i knew this teacher, i'd have said, "yah, try saying that to my uni classmates who have just started teaching. headaches and sore throats all the time.")

jiaying and emmy have fantastic memories, esp emmy, who could tell us more abt our sec 1 & 2 days than we ourselves. =D jiaying also remembered the jigsaw pieces that mrs ang gave out at the end of sec3. poor mrs ang couldn't remember anything abt jigsaws at all, and insisted that she had taught us in sec2. tsktsk =P

as in usual meet-ups, we (emmy, jiaying n i) tried to update mrs mak on the new events which had happened to the various members of our class. like who has a new bf, who is studying wat, who is staying where, etc. and mrs mak also updated us on the few "old" teachers left. actually, it's only when i got home then i realised that m.mak had given me a rather maternal feel.

haha..she tried to list out our teachers in sec 3 & 4, and we had a lot of recollections when we heard the names. haha...things like the wee-shaped walleys and CONCOOORRRRRRRDDDDEEEEE. (gosh, i can't believe emmy actually said it out!) then m.mak tried to bait us into saying what we associated her with. hehe...of cuz we din say anything. =P

anyway she had to run off to a class, the modern day version of pastoral care.

btw, one teacher also came up to us and chatted a bit. i thought she was strangely familiar, and tried very hard not to frown at her. she reminded me of a teacher, but i couldn't pinpoint who. the weird thing was, she looked a lot like joanna low to me! (joanna is the pit in charge of my sec 1/7 class) piangz...havent been so puzzled for a long time! after she left, i asked the others she is.
turns out that she is ms chan yin lai, who taught math in sec 1. but she really did look like joanna low! =S

sometime during our chat, lu sir came along and said to me in mandarin, "jiaying is a lawyer, what are you?" for a split second, i was in a panic. he had caught me by surprise and my panic was further compounded by the fact that i couldn't think of the chn word for "engineer". i managed to say it out right, after saying "HUH?" and making him repeat his question. =P

fyi, ms concorde is still a miss, and the geog mrs mak gone off for further studies (has 3 kids), the geog ms foo lingling is also still a miss, ms chan yin lai is now a mrs something, emmy revealed that mrs v. wong threw a tantrum 3 times in a wk once, and we all agreed that when she was angry, her eyes nearly popped out. there are a lot more male teachers (seems like half the staff is male!). emmy commented that they all seem to be similarly "deh". the canteen portions are quite small, and i had a second lunch when i got home.

u know whattt??????

my 2nd biggest discovery today is that no soft drinks are sold in sch!!!!!! GOSH!!!
no more "uncle, 1 cup mixed", which meant lemon tea + coke + sprite + fanta = fanta.
can u imagine running 2.4km in the hot sun, then u run to the vending machine and NO ICE COLD COKE????

and my BIGGEST discovery is that FRIED FOOD is banned except on wednesdays!! ahhhhhhhh
gosh gosh. that's so terrible! what's malay food without fried stuff? and no hash browns n nuggets either!!!! =(

ok...the gd news is, if we ever want to eat the malay fried chicken/wing or drumstick, we know which day to go back.

edit: just read emmy's blog. she also feels that she has retained more memories than us!
also, every single teacher told me i look exactly the same as before. probably coz i've got standard school girl black hairstyle. =|


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so funnn!! i haven't gone to RGS for ages, and I don't think any teacher remembers me. Maybe Veronica Wong and Mrs Mak will. hehe..what's Mrs Mak's maiden name? Ms Low? I forgot. Anyway, I remember Ms Chan, but i think she doesn't look like joanna low lah.
and, who is concorde???

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 10:55:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

reading your blog made me feel like gg back to rgs too! must had been so fun to recall the days in rgs.. btw, do u know, lu sir is my dad's friend! haha. anyway, miss concorde is miss what huh? I forgot. and yeah, i don't think ms chan looks like joanna low leh. heh.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:08:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...

mrs mak was ms loh, and ms concorde is miss lim shok hoon! uh... the one with splendid english =P

Tuesday, September 13, 2005 11:09:00 PM  

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