Wednesday, December 14, 2005

thinking n thinking n thinking

hmm no lah, i havent really been doing much thinking lately. just that my new colleagues are commenting that that will miss me and the other trainee when we move over to UK for 9mths. i have mixed feelings when i hear that; we have only known each other for abt 2 mths, but i think some of us have bonded quite well. and we are thinking abt how we will miss each other 7mths into the future. sad, but also feeling comforted by the fact that we have all become frens.
(uh, yilin, sorry ah, if i'm being a bit insensitive)
wah lau...i think i will cry on my last day here leh. =( i'm already thinking of telling them not to go send us off at the airport when the day comes.

today while going to work (i had to take the bus n walk the long path to office coz my taxi-mates did not work today), i met two colleagues at the bus stop. as we walked along the path, we noticed a mass of ants on the floor. a closer look revealed a poor slug being eaten alive/chased by army of ants!! the slug was very alive still, and its antennas were moving n its body was moving. one of my colleagues (a girl) poured water on the ants to chase them off the slug. when she finished her waterbottle-supply, i chipped in with the little amt (prob 100ml) i had. the slug seemed to be able to shake off the ants and move on. i hope it survived. =|

p/s: i think the only 2 candidates for the anonymous comment in the previous post are yimei n saj? hehe... didnt think of it. =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yl: erm..i dun get it..being insensitive abt wat? =S

anyway today was her last day n i wasnt there! boohoohoo! but it was by choice lah so can't complain..think i wld have gotten too emotional if i was at work today..she called me juz now before she went airport to tell me abt work today..wat work she left on my desk etc..n some other prob..gonna miss her so much! like how i m gonna miss u so much too!!! =(

Thursday, December 15, 2005 9:20:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

er, what anonymous comment? hehe.. haven't read your blog for the past few days cos i was in thailand. eh, pls tell me when u are going UK okie? wanna send u off too! or at least meet up, if you don't want pple to send you off.. :)

Saturday, December 17, 2005 10:24:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yimei, i think our poor friend here has gone a bit mad. anyway, yiwen, i sign off at the end of e comment i posted (read it again if you don't believe me). haiz...

Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:28:00 AM  

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