Saturday, June 10, 2006

coming soon

i just received news yesterday that my work permit has been approved, and once it is couriered over to sg on mon, i can apply for visas, sign the contract, get my air ticket and fly off....

but right now i;m totally bogged by things to do and buy, and also trying to meet up with my various grps of frens just before i leave. suddenly it feels like i am tying up loose ends just before i die....


it's a little morbid to compare leaving for overseas training with dying...but i really cant get that thought out of my head...

sigh... i'm so gg to miss everyone and sg and the food and the buses.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's 9mth.
& yiwen, you better miss me!! ;p hehe i noe how homesick one can get when overseas :( i promise to update my blog more often so that u can check that out and feel better.. tho i think the pics might not be taken in singapore oops

Friday, June 23, 2006 1:31:00 PM  

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