Sunday, March 05, 2006

turbulent 2 wks

the title says it all, and i think i'm getting over this horrid period soon. just keeping my fingers crossed that there are no other major mistakes i have made, and that i can start afresh in the coming week.

i was at suntec yesterday to help out at my company's booth at the 20% career and 80% education fair. while walking thru city link, i couldnt resist stepping into MPH and parking myself in front of the magazine shelves. (hehe...super cheapo!)

i searched for my usual fav magazines (which would prob fall under most pple's "Most Boring Mags ever published" category.) Scientific American had a special edition dedicated to Time. Not to the red-border Time Magazine but to the hours and seconds we live by daily. I was quite tempted to buy it, but the prohibitive price of $15 deterred me. Since i had plenty of time, i read abt half of it. While reading, the long lost good feel of being intellectual flooded back, and i was inspired to read more abt my fav topics again. every now and then i will be very motivated and inspired to read up chim books, but all too soon i'd be bogged down by mundane matters and lose that precious excitement. At its highest peak, the excitement is very pure and I feel like i'm breathless and bursting with energy to get my hands on every single piece of literature on the subject and devour the arguments and knowledge in them.

(uh, do i sound half-demented to u? if not, i must sound TOTALLY demented!)

when i finally understand enough abt time, black holes, space, etc, i intend to write little bite-sized entries here and share little discoveries with u guys. write abt some things other than complaining abt work or irritating pple.
not sure if anyone would appreciate that, but i think that will take a really long time to happen. =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i understand hw u feel.. now i dunno if i read certain things and avoid certain magazines coz i wanna feel intellectual or i am truly attracted to certain topics.

and on to something completely unrelated, my crush didn't contact me the entire week! :( not even today :( it wld haf been nice, considering that i've been rather sick since like wednesday :s in other news, i think i was hit on by some guy from my neighbouring class, but i'm not too sure coz my radar isn't that great and i was rather sick.

Sunday, March 05, 2006 3:09:00 PM  

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