Saturday, September 30, 2006

wat to do on a friday nite?

satisfied customer
tortilla chips with the beer

today i cycled to somerfield, the nearest supermarket to my house. there was a small grp of pple sitting outside the shop, and it looked like the shop hadn't opened yet. that was strange! it was noon already! then we heard someone say, "there is a blackout. we are waiting for the repairman."


no food to buy...what to do.......cycle back and cook maggi mee lor....

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

just for laughs

Sunday, September 24, 2006

save the NHS!!

"Save my mummy's job!"

"lives in limbo!"

"Say NO to NHS job cuts!"

this protest was what stopped my nottingham bus for at least 15 min this morning. =P
The protesters carried all sorts of banners and posters with those messages. some even had props like stretchers with dummies on them! was really interesting. =P the protesters and escorting police all waved at us (and other bus passengers). it was like a carnival =P

Saturday, September 23, 2006

day after


wonder how i managed to cycle to work on time today.

was trying hard to recuperate this morning, until someone said, "we should go to the welfare club today, shouldn't we? 3 guys are leaving today."


that means drinking on empty stomach! wah kauz....

they each had abt 2 pints of some beer, and i just had half. phew!!!
i wouldnt want to be caught drink-cycling later... =P

anyway, here are the 3 pathetic hp pics my shaky hands managed to take last night:

alex and heng
koon and guan
heng, guan and ben

Friday, September 22, 2006


11pm: just got home from drinks at a pub in Derby city. damn seh
one and half pint of dunno wat alcohol with the other trainees and the botak boss. ZZzzzz..... someone started standing up and dancing, and we had to tell him to sit down and not stray to the dance much for "just one drink"....hhehe,.....the rest of the guys had abt 2 or 3 each. it was fun, just to be a bit seh and talk rubbish, even with the (future) boss....hehehe...

come on let's do it again....6 mths later in sg!!

just today

met my sg botak boss today, and we will all be going out for a dinner later, at the New Water Margin, a chn restaurant in town. he spoke to me today abt the turbulent office politics ongoing in sg, and said he'd do something abt it. will just wait and watch him show his powers...hehhee

on another note, saw this article in CNA website today:
Animals in Sg zoo benefit from enrichment program

first, i thought of the "Higher Chinese Enrichment Club" which i was part of, in Primary 6. No no no....don't think my chn so power. it was a COMPULSORY club for all students in the 2 P6 classes taking Higher Chn. And it was just an excuse for the teacher to give extra chn lessons after school. cant rem if it was once or twice a wk. hehee...i wonder whether it had any effect on my chn. hmm!

second, i thought of my current overseas attachment. it's also some kind of enrichment program! oh no.......i'm a monkey, an orang utan and also an elephant??!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

did u know

that if u view someone's friendster profile, that person will know that u had viewed his/her profile?

anyway my bicycle tyre was punctured! =(

1. Disassemble the tyre from the bike. Use hand tools. Refer to your common sense or alternatively, the manufacturer's instructions.
2. Deflate the tyre to faciliate removal of the wheel spokes and the punctured inner tubing.
3. Pump up the tubing and place it in water. Visual inspect for any air bubbles. Mark out the damaged areas. Use inspection equipment, ie. your eyes. Use Marker 121, or alternatively, a Zebra marker which can be purchased at any stationery shop. (which will be the same anyway!)
4. Dry the tubing with a lint free cloth.
5. Prepare tubing for repair. Abrade the area around the hole. Use hand tools.
6. Select the appropriate-sized repair patch. Repair patch must be larger than damaged area.
7. Apply tyre cement/glue on an area larger than the patch selected.
8. Allow the glue to dry completely.
9. Ensure that the glue has dried. Do not touch the repair area.
10. Place repair patch to cover the damage.
11. Apply sufficient pressure for 5 min. Do not shift the patch.
12. Leave the repair for at least 1 hr.
13. Pump the tubing and place it in water. Visually inspect for any air bubbles. If air bubbles are observed, repeat Operations 3 to 13. IF even more air bubbles are observed than before, REJECT the tubing.
14. Dry the tubing with a lint free cloth.
15. Deflate the tubing slightly.
16. Insert repaired tubing into tyre. Fit the wheel spokes.
17. Fit wheel assembly onto the bike. Force fit if necessary. Do not damage the brakes. The bike could be rendered unserviceable if the brakes are damaged.
18. Tighten the 2-off nuts to secure the wheel assembly to the bike. Use hand tools.
19. Pump the tyre to the appropriate pressure as indicated in the manufacturer's instructions. Alternatively, use your fingers to press the repaired tyre and ensure it is as hard as the rear, undamaged tyre.
20. Audio-ly inspect for any hissing sound or similar. If a hissing sound above 0.1 decibel can be heard, REJECT the tubing and BANG your head on a wall. Use a solid wall.
21. Ensure that all operations in this repair scheme have been carried out satisfactorily.
22. Mark "Repair 101" on the wheel assembly. Use liquid paper. Do not use vibration peen equipment, especially on the tyre.

i suspect not many of u can fully appreciate the above steps, and be glad u don't! coz this is wat my job is all abt! (, do u see a lot of this?)

i'm gg crazyyyy

Saturday, September 09, 2006

old pic

this pic was taken with my hp in my first wk in derby.

when looking up into the sky, i only have one thought in my mind.

"wish i was on that plane to sg"....

i still feel like that nowadays, and it doesnt help that a LOT of planes fly over my home....

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

follow up

i find myself looking up and reading about topics he's interested in.......

*bury my head under mt everest*

(can someone tell me why i keep having this urge to bury my head??)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

some pics, finally!!