Sunday, February 26, 2006


i wrote a long blog entry abt some unhappy incident at work, but i lost connection just as i was abt to publish (upload) it. basically some senior complained to the boss abt me and another trainee overstepping some boundary and interfering with his job responsibilities. which is totally untrue, we just cleared his shit on his behalf, under the directions of our instincts and our seniors' instructions. our seniors side with us, but i dunno exactly what that freaking feller whispered into the boss' ears. this incident made me disappointed becuz i thought of our department as one happy family until now. in the future, we will always have to go through our seniors and leave it to them to negotiate or pass instructions to the other section.

to protect my safety (yes i'm a scaredy cat......sue me!) i decided not to publish the more detailed original entry.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

one thing...

while chatting with mrs liew, she mentioned that rgs is actually registered in the wikipedia, so old girls like me can just type "rgs" into wikipedia. =P

now i can get our sch song lyrics...

last day of cny

been talking to quite a few frens abt a certain matter, and i'm glad to announce that my resolve to do the right thing has been strengthened yet again. [note to self: DON'T WAVER!]

i was in a really good mood this week.
mon: yay, 2nd last day at that co.
tue: LAST day! WOOHOO!!
wed: it was great to be back in familiar surroundings, and to be able to eat proper lunches and breakfasts. [i won't take hot food for granted anymore]
thur: i still couldnt wipe off my happy-to-be-back grin which has been on my face since monday
fri: ok, back to doing the same old things at work again. =)

i need to have more activities in my schedule, to keep myself fruitfully/gainfully occupied. after my 2 rollerblading classes at work, i might want to go blading in east coast! =P hopefully after the lessons, i will have a new method of stopping while blading. uh, for the uninformed, i usually stop my rolling motion by simply sitting down on the road. ehheheh =P

my jc class did our annual teacher-visiting on saturday, the 14th day of CNY. it was really fun to chit chat with our teachers whom we first met 7 yrs ago, in 1999. i think our class is holding a record for the most number of visits. =) our first visit was in jc2, and we have not missed any CNYs so far. unfortunately i won't be ard for this cny visiting next yr..=| but my very nice frens have agreed to eat on my behalf my portion of the by then 4yr old fruit cake soaked in rum........

photo taken at mrs liew's house, sitting on her opium-bed lookalike which she insisted was not an opium bed.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


last day at the attachment company!!!
i'm in such gd mood!!!

Monday, February 06, 2006

I’m reading Sophie’s World again.

My bro-in-law saw the book, and asked, “Ay, all girls like to read Sophie’s World ah? I have a female colleague who also likes the book too.”
My first reaction was to ask, “Was your colleague from rgs?”
He only knew she was from rj…

I think as I grow, I pay more attention to commercial horoscopes and predictions. I never used to believe in these “words of advice” which were based on the year or month I was born in. maybe I’m beginning to feel that there are many factors which are outside the control of myself (and my parents), and am turning to these beliefs for solace.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

i drove!

for the 1st time in a really long time.....

i'm glad to say that there were no major hiccups. (uh, i must add that at certain parts of my journey, there were no visible cars ahead of and behind mine)
i accidentally stalled the car at a red light, then re-ignited the engine. my father, who was my only passenger, said that i shouldnt have restarted with the gear non-neutral. hmm....see? in my last post abt driving, i said i would learn something new each time i drive. so now i know i have to neutral the gear and release the clutch when restarting. when i approached my multi-story carpark, i remembered not to turn too early. (previously i did the awkward left u-turn too early and my rear left wheel mounted kerb)

yay. =)


one of my closest colleague's father passed away yesterday due to health reasons.
should be gg to the wake tm afternoon.