Sunday, May 21, 2006

do i blog?

someone asked me that question recently, and i evaded the question. i wasnt ready to let just abt anyone know that i have a blog and read it. i felt a bit guilty not truthfully answering the question, but i'll be hush hush abt it for the time being. (at least until i download all the old entries).

today was family day again, and i went to visit my paternal grandma, as per our fortnightly arrangement. this time it was slightly different, coz the relative i mentioned in my previous post was staying at my grandma's house. hence my sis (and ben and zephan) didn't go, just my parents and i.

during lunch, i sat right next to my relative (grandaunt, to be exact) and i found her quite normal, except that she was a bit slow and stoned. all the time, i was afraid that she would suddenly get agitated if we mentioned the wrong topics in our conversation over lunch. that didnt happen, fortunately.

after she finished her lunch, she brought out a small red plastic bag containing some items. then she asked my grandma, "do you have a plastic container? i want to wash my sea shells in it."

apparently she was holding a bag of sea shells she picked from the beach in the morning. i dunno how she got to the beach, and didnt dare to ask.

sigh...i hope she recovers soon. =|

Sunday, May 14, 2006


i went for a quick jog with my mum at bedok reservoir yesterday. before we left the house, i realised that we were wearing very similar t-shirts : blue-grey mass produced tshirts. only difference was that mine was from giordano while hers was from baleno. for a brief moment, i felt uncomfortable and wanted to ask her to change into another tshirt coz i didnt want to look the same as her. that was such a horrible thought! =(
of cuz i din say that out, but i couldnt stop myself from commenting that we looked similar coz of our tshirts. =|

the circumference of the reservoir is about 4km, and there are small concrete markers along the jogging path to show the distance travelled. i had the intention to run as much as i felt like, without considering the time spent or distance run. with the trees, slopes and lake to occupy my mind while running, i seemed to "eat up" the distance reasonably fast and effortlessly. before i knew it, i had done more than 1km. (ok, that is really little, but i had expected to tire before that). felt good to be in open space, and not running circles on red rubber tracks. maybe i would do it more frequently =P

Monday, May 08, 2006


i've been neglecting a lot of frens in the recent weeks. sometimes pple jio me out for dinner, but i feel so lazy and tired that i just want to nuah at home. or i'm on the verge of jio-ing pple out for dinner, but i chicken out at the last min and not make that call or send that sms.

that's terrible, considering i won't be able to do all that in abt 1 mth.... =(

i have one relative (my father's cousin) who had her husband walk out on her with a pregnant woman. she was very upset and went to Taiwan to meditate. she came home berserk after a few mths, and is now residing in IMH. i think that's very sad, coz she was a well-learned Chinese physician before her troubles started.....