Thursday, December 28, 2006

a true uk experience

i have a colleague who is a British national, and is a year younger than me. She is soft spoken, has an engineering degree and has been working for 2 and half years already. her car was wrecked in a supermarket carpark when a 14 year old boy crashed a stolen car into hers. She and a friend were standing next to her car when it happened, and both of them sustained injuries like broken legs and cuts on the heads. The boy was arrested by police later on, and the car was towed to a workshop. My colleague received some stitches on her forehead, then she went to the car workshop.

The boss told her the car would only be ready after christmas, because he had a few other cars to work on first. She didn't want that, and reasoned things out with the boss.
"Look at those cars, they are all old and in a still won't be able to sell them easily after you have refurbished them. Do mine first. I'll pay you in cash when the job is done."

The boss hesitated. "But I've promised the other owners that I'll get their cars done by XXX days......"

My colleague went, "Just call them up and say you haven't got spares or the right paint and that their cars won't be ready by the promised dates."

In the end, the boss really called up the 5 other car owners and told them their cars would not be ready due to lack of spares, etc. He then told my colleague that he will get to work on her car and she could pick it up on Sunday. Satisfied, my colleague then left.

On Sunday, the car was ready when she reached the workshop. A young apprentice mechanic (prob 16 yrs) was doing the final touch ups, and offered to reverse the car out of the workshop for her. She said she'd do it, but the apprentice insisted he do it. So she let him get behind the wheel. He reversed the car a bit, and then promptly crashed the car on some equipment, destoying the bumper.

The boss came running over and shouted at the apprentice. "She said she would do it, why did you still reverse the car?!"
Then to my colleague he apologised and said he would replace the bumper FOC and she can come again the next day.

True to his word, the car was ready the next day, and already reversed out of the workshop. While paying the bill (in cash), the boss said the apprentice had been with him for 2 wks, and he had just been fired.

What actually struck me in this entire recount is the ages of the pple involved. my 23-yr old friend who is streetwise enough to persuade the repair boss to give her priority, the 14 yr old who stole and crashed the car and the 16 yr old apprentice who got fired after 2 wks.

and what are we all doing/have done at age ~24? I'm not telling anyone to steal cars or what....but it appears to me that for UK (and perhaps many other countries), adulthood begins at 16. Almost all the engineers in RR started their careers at 16, as an apprentice doing very manual jobs and getting bullied all the time. Then they went to university and some of them are now widely recognised as THE experts in their respective fields. Prior to coming over, I thought they know nothing abt the real world shopfloor, and just bury themselves in research papers and stare at computer screens. I'm so wrong........ and I think I truly look up to these guys...

here's the evidence

i was going thru the pile of pamphlets and tickets i gathered from my italy trip... and found the following bits to be keep-worthy.

Bus and train tickets in Naples...different colors, different schemes, different days, different prices!

Train ticket! this one is from Venice to Rome, on our 2nd last day..

the 4 hostels i stayed at:

Friends we made at the Rome hostel (some of whom we met again at the Florence hostel and Ciampino Rome airport, later on in the trip)

and here is proof of our creepy roommate in venice! the following letter was written by our only other roommate and left on my bed.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006


i have finally finished posting my italy pics!
i have sent the invites out, but if i have missed you for some reason, pls let me know.

State your full name as on your NRIC, and your NRIC number, home address, contact number, office and personal emails...........................


let me know la....=P

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!

Homer says "Merry Christmas!"

may everyone have a merry christmas and a GREAT 2007!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

routine security check

i got the following screen while trying to post a comment at a friend's blog.

we have really reached the electronic age, and left the human age behind.....

but i'm properly amused by it! =D

Saturday, December 23, 2006

spider web

here is a pic of a frozen spider web.. it's really pretty, when u spot it amongst the bushes and twigs. i didnt take this picture....just got it off the web..hehe =P

Friday, December 22, 2006

just can't resist

here is yet another pic....taken today. this is on the way home from my bus stop....

i actually like the fog, coz it makes everything look dreamy, literally. u can see lamps, not lamp posts. u can see car headlights, but not cars. you can see reflective strips on pple's track shoes, but not the pple themselves.....
just like a dream, shapes and objects suddenly appear, and you can really see the fog swirling.

anyone seen iced spider webs? they have got to be the most beautiful things on earth!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


i just came across this chinese newspaper article...

can't say i'm very comfortable with the idea of having cosplay waitresses call me "master". =|
i suppose the guys would like it....=X

(if anyone can find an english article on this, pls let me know)

i lurrrrve british weather

just to let u guys have a feel of the current weather here: the following pics are taken while waiting for my shuttle bus, at 4pm. visibility abt 200m max, temp abt -1 deg.

the fog got much worse at 6pm, when i'm just reaching home. i couldnt see parked vehicles more than 20m away. yes, 20 metres. in fact, i almost missed my bus stop.
it was terrible.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

lotsa things

ever since i got back from italy, there are a million and one things i wanted to blog abt, but i always let the urge to bitch overcome all the other topics....

my xmas resolution is not to bitch abt others! =P

1. autumn has passed and winter is here. the leaves on most trees have fallen and the trees now look bare. one day, i was cycling to the supermarket, and was surprised by the change of scenery. the last time i cycled there, the trees were still green and the undergrowth still lush. now, i can see every branch of the trees and i can see small fields and areas which were previously hidden from my view by leaves. suddenly the world appeared very clear and obvious. with all the distractions gone, the things that matter really stand out! ideally i'd have a pic to show this, but i don't. this startling discovery of "crystal clearness" brought to mind something i saw in a Leonardo da Vinci exhibition in Italy. (oh did i mention that he's my newest hero and i bought a book biography of him) He studied anatomy, and said that the arteries from a human's heart is the same as the branches in the trees. the main artery that splits up into main veins which further split up into smaller veins, etc, are just like tree branches, and the volume at each level is the same, and equal to the original volume of the main artery. same with trees and branches. conservation of mass! i found it totally cool....hahahhah =P

2. humans (or at least, me) rely heavily on light as a timer. in the summer, the sky was still bright at 10pm, and although it was almost time to get ready for bed, i didn't feel sleepy. it didn't FEEL like it was time to sleep. now it's winter, and my clock is really messed up. the sky is totally dark from 4:30pm, like 8pm in sg. at this point, i feel like i have somehow missed my dinner time, and i really should be getting home. i end up eating dinner earlier (like 5pm!) than i normally would, and by 9pm, it feels like the night has been going on forever. 7:30am, and the sky is just breaking. sunrise is not till 8:14am, and it's dark when u get to office.
What i want to say is that the seasons really mess with my body clock, and it just seems to reinforce my (long-ago) belief that humans are light sensitive, and the prehistoric fellas really did depend on light to tell them when to do what.

3. i HAVE been trying to work hard at my italy photos, but due to my 12 hr days, i don;t spend more than an hour at the comp each day. on wkends, i always unleash the phone-porridge-cooker in me, or the msn-marathoner, and basically spend the whole day communicating with pple. on friday afternoon, i msned for 5 hrs straight, w/o gg toilet/bathing/eating/drinking. that is really a feat, but i felt really happy talking to and msning my frens! =P so.......not much time for photos. i have gotten the naples ones up though, but i just have rome, florence n venice left....hahaha...which is 3/4 more to go! =P

4. i waited for almost 20 min for my bus today. i stood at the miserable little bus stop with my groceries, including a packet of raw beef. While waiting, i was worried that the bus would take too long to come and that my beef would spoil. then i gave myself a virtual slap on the wrist: what are you talking about?? the beef is not going to spoil! the temperature now is like 2 or 3 degrees. it's as good as being in the fridge!!
which really is true..... hahahhahaa =D
next small thought: it's 30 degrees cooler than in sg........ my god.....=X

5. i HAVE to take a gamble with my money and looks. my hair is getting really long; it's the longest i've ever had. (which doesnt really say much...hahha!) i have to spend abt SGD60 to go to supercuts (which is only a bit more ex than their "neighbourhood" shops) and run the risk of ending up with very awful-looking hair. i've thought abt it....if i cut it now, and it turns out really awful, at least my hair will grow and conceal some of the ugliness by the time i kiss the floor of changi airport. good timing eh? =P

p/s: i had a really quick look at my very first posts (i think in apr 2005) and it was weird! i totally dont remember writing all that stuff, and i was talking abt fyp presentations. that felt like ages ago!! hahaha

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

fillet-o-fish (3)

unfortunately there is a huge double fillet o fish which forced its way into this blog before i'm half-done with my italy pics.

we took turns to cook dinner tonight, and since i took the longest to do my preparation, i was the last to cook. absolutely no problems abt that. I finished my cooking and knowing that nobody else would be using the pans immediately after me, i left the pans there. as i have been doing for the past 6 mths, i'd wash the pans together with my dinner dishes after i have eaten.

as i was finishing up the last of my dinner, GF was in the kitchen with a housemate, B. she was complaining about how I left the dirty pots and pans there without washing! she spoke so loudly we all heard my name from the living room.

I finished dinner and brought my plates to the kitchen to wash. immediately GF pointed to my pots and said, "yiwen, wash this, this and this!"


but me being me, i just said a semi-sarcastic "yes ma'am!!" and continued with my washing as if nothing happened.

it's just not me to blow up at pple. after reading my blog, several pple have given me feedback abt how horrid she is. i have always said to give her the benefit of the doubt, and that she is more tactless than evil. i take my words back coz i'm literally seething with anger. can't wait for her to get out of my sight.


at least BF was nicer. i had to go to the master bedroom toilet to *ahem* do some feminine stuff. he was still in the rm. although separated by a closed n locked door, he could still hear what i'm doing in the toilet. he left the room and went to chat rather aimlessly with another housemate. i think he deliberately left the rm so that either i won't be embarrassed or he doesn't have to hear anything. either way i'm grateful for his act and although i didnt say something like "thanks", i think he knew i knew that he purposely left the rm.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

chicken nugget (2)


some of us cooking in the kitchen. i just finished cooking dinner.
GF: yiwen, is this yours? (point at my dish)
me: yes
GF: (points at another housemate's tasty-looking fried rice) yiwen, is this yours?
me: (spooning plain rice out of the rice cooker) no, it's koon's.
GF: yah lor, i knew it can't be yours.


anyway i'm getting a break from her. they are gg on holiday for the next 5 days. HAllelujah!!!!

p/s: i think i will finally have time to do my italy pics over the wkend coz i have nothing to bitch abt! =P

Monday, December 04, 2006

mini nugget

GF, BF, housemate and I watching a dance-related tv show together.

GF: "eh yiwen, u got learn ballet before?"
me: "no."
GF: "u should learn ballet u know, then u will get the kind of poise ballet dancers have."
me: "not my cup of tea."
(thank u so very much.....)
GF: "or dancing also. will become very graceful."
me: "not for me."
GF: "seriously, u should try it. it's good for u."
me: "not for me."
(how many freaking times do i have to repeat myself?)

maybe i'm being oversensitive or just that i have decided long long ago that i don't like GF. in my mind, WTH was flashing all over. her eca in school was some dance club (i could tell from her tshirt) and so she is the MOST GRACEFUL girl i have ever met in my entire sad, pathetic and clumsy life.

no worries, i'm not super pissed or irritated; i just wanted to bitch abt her. maybe i can start numbering the mini nuggets along the way...could fill a whole book with them!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

sour feeling

(no i'm not talking abt jealousy....)

just back from my 2 week italy trip, i should be blogging abt my trip and posting the thousands of pics i tool. but my mind is preoccupied with something else at this moment..

today my housemate's gf has arrived. she will be staying till 27th... i have just moved over to his rm, and given my rm to them. it's troublesome to move, and i wonder how i will adapt to using the guys' toilet etc. my overall emotions are negative and many... i cant pinpoint them exactly. just feel down.

having moved most of the stuff over, i switch on my laptop and sit down at this foreign table. i reach for the 小虎队 CD which my sis sent over and starting ripping the tracks onto my computer. while reading the first few lines of the printed song lyrics, i literally felt 心酸. maybe i was suddenly reminded of family support (and childhood), amidst all the changes now.....
suddenly also have the strength to carry on...


i cleaned my (big) bedroom today:- vacuumed the floor, washed and dried the bedsheets, etc. then as the GF rolls her suitcase into my room, she says, "Eh u never clean your room usually right?"

i was stunned. "Why do you say that?"

reply:- "i think you only clean when got people come is it?"


1. i can't see any basis for her first comment.

2. i dare say my room is the cleanest amongst the 4 in the house. i vacuum at least once in every 2 wks, and i frequently get down on my knees with a wet cloth and wipe the floor after vacuuming. i clean my bathroom with a cleaner and sponge, and flush my toilet with chlorine perhaps once a mth.

december 2006 will be an exciting time.