Monday, October 30, 2006


today (sunday) the usual bunch of singaporean guys came over to my house to gather, then play soccer at the fields nearby. over the wkend, i have been bitchily complaining abt a guy who keeps telling me to learn to cook (in addition to that cloyingly sticky housemate's gf). and guess what
today he did it again!! in a group setting, he said, "ay, all your housemates can cook very well leh."
i knew what was coming, but i suppressed my annoyance. "yah i know, they are all gd cooks."
"So hor, next time i come here, you must learn to cook something and let me eat."


i tell u, if it was one on one, i'd first give him a PIERCING ICY STARE and if he still doesnt get the message, i'll show him the finger. if that doesnt work either, pass me the machete.


1. One of the dishes cooked by my housemate and which he praised was a ginseng chicken soup. that was an all-in-one ginseng packet + chicken drumsticks + water all boiled together. not that there is anything wrong with cooking using instant spices etc, but how can that possibly qualify as a good measure of a person's cooking skills?

2. Is it any concern of his whether i can cook or not? or whether i choose to upgrade myself by learning from my housemates whose skills i admit are not bad at all? (this is the same freaking idiot who told me point blank in the first few days that "HP (a girl who was here) can cook very well. how abt you?". to that, i answered a uncharacteristically icy "I'm not HP.")

3. If i do learn some better cooking skills, from my housemates or otherwise, HE IS THE LAST PERSON I WILL COOK FOR. there are so many others in line before him! such as my family, my frens, u guys reading my blog, and just abt 4 million other singaporeans whom i dont know......

Since i'm already so worked up, I might as well relate the housemate's gf's conversation with me over msn.

she: "I know how to cook chicken chop, and i want to cook for my bf."
"so how do u normally cook chicken chop?"

me: "I dont cook chicken chop."
(for a very simple reason... i'll have to debone the drumsticks and i might as well just bake the whole thing on bone in oven to get roast chicken. lazy, quick and tasty.)

she: "Hahaha... you only cook spaghetti is it???!!!"
"must learn how to cook others"
"u still need to get married you know????"


After bitching real time to a couple of frens, i calmed down enough to reply politically correctly:
"Well, i don't intend to cook all the time, for myself or my future partner"

if not for some stupid self restraint, i'd have fired off a quick "U ARE A LOSER".

with regards to this girl and the guy i glamorously mentioned above, i dont care if they choose to live by their "girl must cook to get married" belief, but please just leave me alone and dont keep harping on it. not being a fantastically gd cook DOES NOT MAKE ME A LESSER PERSON OR GIRL.

wat's wrong with the world????

btw, if i had given any smart and truthful answer such as
"well, i'd be looking for a husband who won't expect me to cook for him all the time."

i'll just get one standard reply:
"Oh yah hor, i forgot. you are from rgs one rite?"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah, u have 1 MCP and 1 old-fashioned gal around you! Erm, the guy is not interested in you right? Sounds a bit like flirting, though not well-executed. :p If i'm really irritated, I'll prob retort that "you're not worth my effort to learn" or "it's ok, i have no intention of cooking for you anyway".

As for the gal, y are u on msn with her in the 1st place? just ignore her lah. so she knows how to cook pork chop, and nothing else? So her bf will eat PC for lunch n dinner throughout her stay there lor...

Yeah, i'm on the 1st grp of people you'll be cooking for! looking forward to your return! :)

meantime, have asked your colleague/fren who's going over in Nov to pass you a XHD CD. Enjoy!

Monday, October 30, 2006 9:46:00 AM  
Blogger who? said...

thank god the guy is not the one interested in me.... he's not flirting. maybe he's trying too hard to make conversation (i doubt), or he thinks it's a funny enough thing to repeat several times over weeks...

the gal is my housemate's gf. u'd have seen her at the airport 4 mths ago.... i dont know her as a fren. she INSISTED on me adding her onto msn. *roll eyes*
oh after that she continued with "i can bake many kinds of cakes also"

i ignored the msgs.

haha....i'm not gg to cook once i step into sg ah! so sian of washing cutting n chopping everyday! =P
btw, u passed me a xhd cd AND a game CD rite?

Monday, October 30, 2006 1:56:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nope, i passed u a XHD CD n ben passed u a game cd. :p

oh btw, dun tell mummy this, but i batch chop garlic and place in airtight container in fridge. no smell one, esp if u put it in a ziplock. can last for weeks!

Monday, October 30, 2006 2:42:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...

hahhaa...batch chop garlic! no problem! hehe....very soon i will batch cook my meals for a wk.. =P

Tuesday, October 31, 2006 3:54:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should block the girl on msn.. haha.. so evil... and to the last comment abt being in rgs, you should say "yup, and we don't just talk about cooking there" hehe... ignore them la, some pple just make v insensitive remarks =)

Tuesday, October 31, 2006 6:16:00 AM  
Blogger who? said...

yeah.... there are a million and one smart replies i could say to that rgs thing, but it's really not worth the effort. sometimes pple make such remarks just for the fun of it... =|

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 4:06:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh yah hor, i forgot. you are from rgs one rite?"
Suddenly I seem to have seen the light... wonder why hor =D

don't worry ms who?, got many guys not bothered about cooking skills one... got far more impt things to worry about!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 8:47:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...

dydx, haha... i was wondering for a moment whose side u are on!
yeah, thanks for the reassurance... gd that u think the same way as jane! =P

Thursday, November 02, 2006 5:02:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha hilarious. i told u to block the girl already. next time they talk abt cooking, bring up something that they are not good at lor. or just digress abit by asking the 2 of them wat they talk to each other abt besides her cooking for him and he enjoying the food. pp usually like to talk abt themselves. if u wanna be mean, just add in a, "im SUURE u guys talk abt something else besides cooking and eating for each other.. so what ELSE do u guys talk abt?" *evil grin*

then again, that might open up a pandora box haha

Saturday, November 04, 2006 11:42:00 PM  

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