Saturday, November 11, 2006

little things

there is a lot of stuff i can blog abt now, such as my visit to london, or how i disappointed someone on his birthday, or how i think i've recovered from my gastro-unbalance, or how my father was so worried he wanted to fly over and visit me.......
but i decided to write abt my shower cubicle in my bathroom. =P

the cubicle has been getting increasingly clogged, and the water accumulated during each shower takes prob half hr to drain off. the cubicle floor gets covered with dirt from the clogged drain and it gets really gross looking. during my shower yesterday, the accumulated water was at the brink, almost spilling over to the floor outside. enough was enough!

there is a little black rubber pump in the house. the rubber bit is similar to the ones u see in sg, but the handle is like a spade handle, not the long rod-like handle we get in sg. it was a very short piece of equipment. it was hard to get the stupid suction working, coz my cubicle floor has ridges in it, preventing a nice flat clean working surface. after a couple of silly attempts, i flooded the cubicle with water, and tried again. it worked better!

almost like a crazy maniac, i worked the pump, and poured in more water to keep it flooded (the water has started to flow u see). and all the time, trying not to wet my bathroom floor, and also keep the noise level down coz i dont want my housemates to know and laugh...

it's not completely unclogged such that i can see a spiral forming as the water drains (apparently draining water flows anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and vice versa....true??), but at least i dont see semi-stagnant pools of water.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

how was your visit to london? where did u go?

Saturday, November 11, 2006 10:54:00 PM  
Blogger XY said...

Hahahaha... I have the same problem with my bathroom!

After reading your blog, I feel so inspired to do something about it tmr... Hahaha....

Sunday, November 12, 2006 12:56:00 AM  
Blogger who? said...

jane: was a very short visit, and had no time to go musuems unfortunately. wait next blog will be on london =P lag a wk..hahhaha

xy: yeah...go get a gd pump and fix it! =P

Sunday, November 12, 2006 11:49:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coriolis effect? You'd think local variables and chaos would largely determine whether the tornado is clockwise or anticlockwise...

Oh well. Guess I'm going to flood lots of places just to see if you're right. =D

Friday, November 17, 2006 9:14:00 PM  

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