Sunday, October 30, 2005

4 wks liao

yeah...gonna get my paycheck soon!!! *dance around*

i really havent touched my laptop for almost the entire week, and my internet subscription has really been idling and wasted. here i am!

i got to know abt a game called Blokus from my colleagues. it's a board game, but u can also play it online at . can play as guest also. it's a fun game la, but if u want to strategize and win, u have to squeeze ur bain cells a lot. =P

meanwhile, nothing new's been happening...
time for my precious pre-lunch nap liao!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

being led astray....

the original plan was to take part in an Oktoberfest event which consisted of a 4 course dinner n a beer. there was a big tent erected by Village in Far east sq, and everyone sat at long tables for dinner. it was kind of like a school canteen. =P Village is a restaurant that is related to Marche`. there were even a few of those marche cows standing around! we had to buy tickets ($35 per head) to enter, but they were full up for the night, and we could only buy tix for either saturday or sunday. ughhhh... so we went somewhere else.

we walked around the area, and managed to find a table for 4 at Oosters, also a dinner n beer place. we had beef meatballs as starters. the meatballs were fried, and they came sitting on a serviette, surrounded by lotsa greenery and sauce. in the dim orange lighting, i saw that the serviette was soaked with some dark orange liquid. i thought the chef had used a red oil, like the carrot oil Carotino/a.
each meatball had a fancy toothpick sticking out of it, making it easy to pick them up n eat. u know the kind of toothpick with a little bit of coloured cellophane paper at one end?
so....i picked up one meatball. i was puzzled by the void left behind by my removal of the meatball. there was a patch of watery red stuff on the plate.
damn..... the "orange oil" i had assumed was actually blood! ughhhh .... the meatball was nicely cooked outside, but the inside was not so cooked....
i panicked. my dinner partners were enjoying their starter and praising the food, while i was hesitating abt putting it into my mouth.
Ah-ha! i saw the sauces for dipping, and decided to dip my meatball in one of them. there was ketchup, and 2 suspicious-looking unknown sauces on either side of the harmless ketchup. suddenly deciding to be adventurous, i gave the meatball a generous coating of what looked like brown minced pork sauce.
because i didnt want to chew off half and then stare at the insides of the meatball, i stuffed the whole thing into my mouth.


the innocent minced pork-looking sauce was a fiery dip with a hugely dominant taste of mustard and wasabi! my nose went crazy and my eyes started to water.....boohooo.. i dunno if my dinner partners noticed it. hehehhe... =P
anyway, i quickly chewed it up and swallowed, then took a big swig of my hoegaarden., actually i didnt taste the rawness of the core of the meatball. =P

aiyoh...i wrote so much just on the starter!

anyway our main courses came and we all tucked in. i ordered sausages n stoemp. quite nice, but i couldnt finish the food. there were some sausages n a pile of "potato mashed with vegetables". that was the description in the menu. it didn't sound too appetizing, but it tasted good! there was a bit of veg here n there, n the veg taste blended well with the potato. (um, honestly speaking, the occasional fibrous bit of veg reminded me of my body waste when i eat "old" n very fibrous veges)

with so much food inside me, the hoegaarden didnt really have much alcoholic effect on me. one of the guys picked up the tab ($100 for the 4 of us, not really ex).

one of them was a "beer-hound" with honed abilities to sniff out the best beer joints, and he led the way to Brewerkz. unfortunately, that place was packed, and we put down our number on the waiting list. suddenly, a man shouted my name. "YI WEN!!"
i wheeled around, completely caught by surprise. i gazed at the crowd of pple sitting in the alfresco section of Brewerkz and suddenly saw one of my managers and an engineer sitting at a table, with their own frens. GOSH! hahaha
i walked over to say hi, and couldn't help noticing the JUGS of beer that were taking up so much of the space on the table. looked like each person was having 2 jugs... the manager said that there was another bunch of my office pple at (cafe) Iguana, just 2 doors away from Brewerkz. goodness.... i can't imagine my office pple drinking... i mean, they are the sort who eat homemade salad for lunch!

yah so B. was full, and we went to Ig. instead. we sat on the outside of Ig, so i didnt see any of my colleagues. we had a jug of Indian Pale Ale (IPA). that meant one mug each. gosh...i've never drunk so much in my life b4, but i was still feeling good (ie. logical, able to talk sense, walk straight, etc) so i drained the mug eventually. of course, all these were just starters for my partners. another one of them paid for this jug, and we left for B. when they called us, saying there is a table now.

now, let me say something abt the architecture of the row of restaurants. there are a few broad steps leading from the ground level walkway to the restaurants. such steps are for tripping pple who had a bit too much to drink, causing them to roll down the steps and into the sg river. yup, all that went thru my head as i stood up to walk towards B.
so.....was i getting drunk yet?
thankfully i got to B. in one piece.
yet another jug, but i didnt feel so good already, so the most seasoned beer guzzling fren asked the waitress to bring me a shot glass instead. hehe...suddenly my mug got downsized! yay....
i drank plenty of iced water, mainly coz i was thirsty and coz water would help dilute the alcohol in my stomach. so, with a tiny shotglass of beer, i gladly challenged them to bottoms up. kekekek...
one of them wasn't a gd drinker, and he kept getting suaned when he refuses to "follow". i felt like my cheeks and lips were getting numb. the cheeks felt like i had been smiling for phototaking for a whole day, and my upper lip simply felt too heavy to move. ok, more iced water. =P
hmm... i kind of got conned by the fren who got me the shotglass. he proceeded to fill up my glass again, and then his own. n it was bottoms up challenge again. haha
by now i was kind of woozy, but still not stupid enough to drain my shotglass for him to fill again. so i went to the washroom. i was kind of afraid, actually, coz i didn;t think i could make my way to the toilet very well. i found myself running my fingers along the wall as i walked along the corridor. ok, that's my limit liao. hehe...i almost fell asleep in my squatting toilet cubicle.
i got back to our table, and the two guzzlers had ordered for themselves yet another mug each. the remaining fren was stoned already.
Bottoms up! and we paid up and left for the taxi stand. So that's how it works when guys go out. we had gone to 3 different places, and they took turns to pay the bill. luckily i only had to pay the taxi fare, after dropping two of them off at geylang bahru n potong pasir. *giggle* $12 only....=P

got home abt 1130pm. after bathing, i read the newspaper while waiting for my hair to dry. wah lau. i've never experienced more difficulty in reading! my eyes were like a pair of faulty camera focus lens. couldn't focus on the words - at any time, in a single word, some alphabets looked like font size 8, some looked like 28. i just scanned the headlines...bigger fonts gave me less problems. i made my way thru all 3 sections, but i skipped the comics! haha... squinting at the words was completely out of the question.
then i had a nice long sleep, and woke up bright n cheery at 8am today! no hangover, thk gdness. =) but i'll really stay away from more than one mug a nite. (unless it's free, of cuz!)

Sunday, October 16, 2005


i've been sick over the wkend with flu, and i've not recovered yet. =(

worst thing is, my daughter hamster has been missing for 3 days already...really can't find her anywhere. my house isnt that easy to hide in, even for a tiny hamster. by now she must have starved, or is very dehydrated. and i think the reason why she cant be found, even behind wardrobes, is that she has fallen into one of the two floor drainage holes in the toilets. drown......


i had just bought a new wire mesh to cover her cage (actually a plastic storage box). i initially wanted to put it on at night, but i was too tired n lazy to do so. by the time i went to the cage the next morning, she was gone. for good.

now i have a nice looking wire mesh covering an empty box. all becuz i didnt make the extra effort to put on the new lid that night. =(

Saturday, October 08, 2005

end of wk 1

as i neared home on bus 22 today, at 7pm, i had a sudden and strong desire to lie down on sand and make sand angels. then close my eyes and listen to the sounds of waves, and of trees rustling. i said that to quite a few frens while trying to get someone to go out with me almost immediately. yilin said i was very stressed, and huiyun n trish said i needed a bf.

i didnt realise that my urge was an indication of stress, although on hindsight it may be obvious. =)

anyway i gatecrashed jane n her bf's date at east coast. =D and when i went away to stroll alone for a while, they were happily engaged in *funny* positions and i tried to be discreet and walked away.. HAHAHA! =P
went to find some stretch of beach to sit down, so that i could satisfy my desire. i did half a sand angel with my legs, and watched the waves crash. the huge sky (it's not easy to be able to see a large piece of the sky usually) was quite full of stars and the moving red & blue lights were from the aircraft. wind was nice and moderately strong. (meaning my fringe was vertical most of the time)
suddenly, i saw a streak of bright silver light in the sky, moving quickly towards ground level. could it be....??? as i watched in amazement, the silver stuff burnt up (like a piece of sodium when u put it in water) and then there was no more light.

yes, i have just witnessed my first shooting star. and i didnt make a wish becuz i spent the precious bit of time staring at it, and trying to determine if that was indeed a shooting star. quite dumb right? hehehe...=P

then jane n bf collected me and we walked towards neptune court. upon reaching the overhead bridge @ vj, i felt like walking some more and spending more time in the ecp, so i left the 2 of them, made a u-turn and continued walking.

i decided to drop by the bbq which some colleagues organized as a farewell dinner for a head engr who was leaving the company. really dropped by a while only, like 15 min. i didnt know many pple there either, so i arranged to meet up with trish! =P

her mum drove us to siglap, cafe cartel for supper. at first i was apprehensive abt having supper with a fren n her mother, but heck la...her mum would give me a lift home later, so it's ok..hehe...(it was abt 11pm when we reached siglap). after bread, curry sauce, wedges and pasta, trish wanted lime juice from a kopitiam in tanah merah. so we got into the car again and went to the kopitiam! that was 12 parents would never agree if i had such whims. =P
i think i reached home abt 1am eventually. =P

was pretty stressed, but thks to jane (n bf) and trish (n mother), i'm feeling loads better now! and of course, the single shooting star....


p/s: trish, i know what u did on the way home tonight! MuahahahaahHA!!!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

a lot to learn - day 4

that's the biggest understatement of the yr. i cannot describe in words how much there is to learn in the commercial aviation industry. even if u have memorised all the repair manuals (just abt 1 storey thick), there are plenty of tricks and tips lurking around, waiting to be discovered by pple with 20 yrs of experience or so. in just 4 days, i have gone thru 2 mood swing cycles, alternating between feeling enthusiastic and feeling depressed and unmotivated. right now i'm rebounding, and have new ideas for tm.

main thing/problem is that i have one fellow trainee and i keep comparing our progress. it doesnt help that he knows a lot of stuff. (my relevant nus course contents are like 10% of his ntu contents, and my dad thinks that he did quite a lot of reading etc to build up a relatively bigger knowledge database)

while i'm grappling with symbols like TGT (turbine gas temp.) and the crazy parts numbering system, i feel that he is able to ask intelligent questions and discuss them, demonstrating his understanding of the subject. he's a nice guy and is willing to ans my ques, but i simply feel "threatened" by him. sigh.

i keep telling myself to be more proactive, but can't really seem to find a way to do so. my father gave me some inspiration just now and tm i'm gg to ask for more bks to read from the office's "technical library". gotta catch up....and try hard not to stumble in the mean time.

Monday, October 03, 2005

day 1

the moment i wrote the title, i knew that i won't be likely to follow up with day 2, 3....faithfully. i'm quite tired actually.

we are supposed to be shadowing an engineer, and that means going for meetings with him when he has to go. otherwise, we sit at our tables and read some materials. i've already read the materials properly at least once, and flipped thru again. there was also a cd rom to view. the best part of the cd rom was the autocad animation of screws moving in and out. but even that got slightly boring after a while.

as i was walking home from the bus stop, i had a sudden urge to go running/jogging downstairs, around my estate. hahaha...that was really a very surprising thought. i thought i would be so exhausted (i am!) that i have no desire to do anything strenous.

anyway, i have to think positively and really learn as much as i can, and display a good attitude. i can feel my ability to do these slipping away already! help help

Sunday, October 02, 2005

is my mum the only one who....

chooses her karung guni?

u see, there are a few gunis who regard my hdb cluster as their territory, and they operate separately, coming at different time slots. most of them honk their presence on weekend mother's favourite one is a 40-odd year old china man whom she calls uncle. he comes around on sunday mornings. he's a relatively more hardworking (or can say doesn't work smart) karung guni because he diligently moves along every corridor, announcing his progress by the "thump, thump, thump" of his trolley going down the stairs. in a way, his form of advertising is more effective than the other presumably singaporean gunis who just stand downstairs and honk. they look up only when someone yells "karang guni! 10th floor!".

anyway my mum likes that china one coz he offers abt double the price the others give. unfortunately, we missed him today. there is another guni downstairs honking away, but my mum doesnt want to sell to him, even though we have already moved out the pile of old newspapers. she'd rather move everything back and wait for the china one to return next wk. =P