Monday, December 19, 2005

yadda yadda

realised that my titles don't make much sense anymore. i just have a generic kind of heading and then dump all my thoughts in like this.....

well, it's time to write my quarterly progress report. i thought i could just anyhow write a few lines about what i learnt and then submit to manager/EDB. but no, when i mentioned the report to my father, he immediately said that the report is a very important document which the bosses will place some focus on. i have to write well, and also have to take special note of what i write. =( now i really have to sit down and write a proper report....

i so hate it when i make the same mistake twice. but i really forget the first time i made the mistake. then when i do it again, i really wanna whack myself for not remembering the right way to do things.

working is a really tiring battle, not really in the physical sense. but i suddenly view working as lotsa arrows coming from all directions, and i have to keep a steady mind in order to think of the best way to deflect all the arrows. i don't mean a whole pile of work, but each arrow is like a different challenge/problem:- perhaps a worry abt how to maintain gd working relations with different groups of pple, or how best to present some data, or why something is like that, or how not to appear stupid and slow, esp in front of the boss n colleagues, etc etc etc.

and the little newspaper article published in Today a few days ago isnt helping actually. it actually labelled us TAP trainees as "high flyers" and painted a really rosy picture of our futures. even before the article was published, the whole company knew abt the TAP program and the "scholar" trainees. the technicians, trainers, inspectors and even our own engineer colleagues sometimes mention that nopbody dares to hantam us even when we make mistakes, coz we will be their bosses in the future, becuz we are TAP trainees. =(
i always try to downplay it, becuz i honestly dont believe we are like scholars. haiz...i dunno la. then cannot appear slightest bit stuck up or non-humble, otherwise tongues will all start wagging....argh

and just when i was abt to leave my home to go jogging this evening, i got a phone call from an office-looking number. die la....what did i do this time to warrant a call from work? apprehensively, i answered the call.

"hello yiwen? Jxxxxx here ah. just wanted call and find out how u are doing."


when i finally snapped my phone shut, i had agreed to meet someone for dinner in jan. on a specfic day at a specific time and place. dammmmmm......the very last person on this planet i want to meet..... dammmm


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