Saturday, June 24, 2006

frens romans countrymen

this is possibly my last blog from sg for a considerable length of time....

the dominant feeling now is that of sadness, coz i havent been away from frens and home for any comparable periods such as this. i should be really excited though. =|

i guess i will be once i get onto the plane, and pray that the 2 engines dont experience inflight shut down (IFSD). or that at most only one will. =P but that's after i get thru the check-in counter with my approx 50kg of stuff. pls let the duty manager be nice and not charge me a single cent for excess luggage. at this moment, my parents are throwing themselves heart and soul into buying a bathroom scale so that we can estimate the weight of the luggage and take the necessary weight-saving actions. i'm not kidding.

(i'm so gonna cry at the airport later)



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