Tuesday, June 27, 2006

summer = 15 deg at 12pm

damn cold here!!!!!!

a million and one things to do/say/take pic
but my fingers are damn frozen and i cant type properly.

bought a bike and cycled from the city centre to my home

gosh wat a nightmare!!!

the entire trip can be described as abt 35 min of fast paced road cycling. and half of that is up steep slopes. i stopped several times when i couldnt pedal anymore. as i am typing, my thigh muscles and hand muscles are twitching due to cold and fatigue........

took pics of my neighbourhood but am too tired to upload.....will do so when i dont need to cook dinner/breakfast/lunch. got to iron clothes, wash dishes, clean the room, split bills etc....wahhhhhhhhhhhh

just wanna sleep ah.....................................

(there are so many fullstops in the prev line coz i cant stop my finger from shivering.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thought u like cold weather? :p hehe..well at least it isn't raining..

Tuesday, June 27, 2006 8:53:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...


it is raining...and i have to wear 3 layers to keep warm. (this excludes the ears, nose and cheeks which tend to become stiff after a short while.

and it's so tiring to cycle!!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 3:57:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh poor thing :( it must have been one of those bad days..
u will be super fit in no time though :)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 10:28:00 PM  

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