Tuesday, November 21, 2006

in hostel of the sun, naples

i've just taken my breakfast after waking up from 10 hrs of sleep.
i like my hostel lots! its very good, there is someone to make the beds in the morning when all the guests are out. i'd call it a 5star hostel!!!

ok gotta run...take care everyone!

p/s i'm running out of space on my camera memory cards!!!! jialat!!!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

i'm in heaven

it seems unreal to be having a nice long gossipy chat with females over dinner at a restaurant...........

i have really forgotten what that feels like, until today. i had dinner with 2 sg colleagues who had come over to uk for business, and we sat in the french restaurant from the moment it opened till their closing time. we first went in at 5:15pm, only to be politely ushered out and told to return at their opening time of 5:30pm. which we did, after a short stroll and standing outside the shop for 10 min.

sat down at 5:30pm, ordered our food, ate some bread, gossiped some bit and before we knew it, the tables started emptying, and we were the 3rd last table left. that was at 10pm, their closing time!

i really enjoyed myself tonight, in the company of close female frens, doing silly things like taking pics of our appetisers and taking pics of one fren taking pics of another. =P or giggling and gossiping abt pple in the (sg) office blah blah.

another guy was supposed to join us for dinner, but he decided not to. "it's raining, and i have to walk from the bus stop to the restaurant."
sorry, but i found it pretty lame. the rain was hardly more than a very light drizzle, and the walk isnt very long. i personally feel that it was more to do with the dinner being a "go-dutch" affair rather than one which can be charged to the company. or maybe he didnt want to be with 3 girls.

whatever the reason, i spent 12 pounds on dinner, and i feel that every cent was worth it. no such opportunity again in uk........ got to wait till 4 and half mths later. till then, it's back to the work-buy groceries-cook-eat-sleep routine.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


in my last post, i wrote:
"haha...it somehow didnt seem that clear cut or as easy a decision as with alvin!"

typo, sorry!
shud be:
"haha...with alvin, it somehow didnt seem that clear cut or as easy a decision!"

thanks, jane =P


came across this article by chance.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


i was somewhat distracted by a possibility of liking someone over the past 3 mths. after spending a considerable portion of yesterday with him, both in private setting and in group setting, i was fairly confident that i dont really like him. it didnt feel easy to hold a normal conversation with him, and i literally brushed him away a few times.

no special feelings either... so i think this is not gg to work out.
i'm surprised by how quickly i came to a conclusion. (haha...it somehow didnt seem that clear cut or as easy a decision as with alvin!) maybe i'm just older now and there are not as many daily tasks to divert my attention here.
have not made my stand known to him yet...will find a chance.

i told 3 separate frens this morning abt my decision, and i was quite amused at their reactions. everyone had a "finally, u have come to your senses!" response..!
hahhaha.... i think i do agree with them. he and i are from different worlds and our minds and styles are totally opposites.

so that's the end of it. l'extrémité.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

little things

there is a lot of stuff i can blog abt now, such as my visit to london, or how i disappointed someone on his birthday, or how i think i've recovered from my gastro-unbalance, or how my father was so worried he wanted to fly over and visit me.......
but i decided to write abt my shower cubicle in my bathroom. =P

the cubicle has been getting increasingly clogged, and the water accumulated during each shower takes prob half hr to drain off. the cubicle floor gets covered with dirt from the clogged drain and it gets really gross looking. during my shower yesterday, the accumulated water was at the brink, almost spilling over to the floor outside. enough was enough!

there is a little black rubber pump in the house. the rubber bit is similar to the ones u see in sg, but the handle is like a spade handle, not the long rod-like handle we get in sg. it was a very short piece of equipment. it was hard to get the stupid suction working, coz my cubicle floor has ridges in it, preventing a nice flat clean working surface. after a couple of silly attempts, i flooded the cubicle with water, and tried again. it worked better!

almost like a crazy maniac, i worked the pump, and poured in more water to keep it flooded (the water has started to flow u see). and all the time, trying not to wet my bathroom floor, and also keep the noise level down coz i dont want my housemates to know and laugh...

it's not completely unclogged such that i can see a spiral forming as the water drains (apparently draining water flows anticlockwise in the northern hemisphere and vice versa....true??), but at least i dont see semi-stagnant pools of water.


Thursday, November 09, 2006


the bunch of saesl pple who came over 3 days ago treated a few of us to dinner at a chinese restaurant last nite. i didnt eat much, but i puked the moment i got home. the food wasnt dirty...i probably had a severe case of indigestion. maybe couple that with insufficient rest, and that i hadnt been eating oily food all along.... dunno.

puked thru the night. went to work this morning but came back after one hr coz truly cannot concentrate. i had 3 mouthfuls of plain porridge the whole day. (i should have realised something was really wrong when i didnt feel like having breakfast...)


Thursday, November 02, 2006

victory rd pls....

1st nov
minus temperatures

took my first winter cab today, alone of course. was still in 2 minds just before calling the cab company, since the weather looked really gd today. bright, clear blue skies......but the bbc weather forecast was stamped in BOLD CAPITAL LETTERS on my grey matter. i dialled.

the moment i stepped out of the house to get into the cab (mere 10 steps), all regrets and thoughts vanished. DAMN COLD! after fumbling with the door handle a bit, i clumsily clambered into the cab. WARMTH!

later in the morning, i had to walk to a building abt 300m away. i couldnt hold a proper conversation just a few seconds after leaving my own building. my cheeks, lips and tongue just couldnt coordinate and i was trying very hard not to make a fool of myself stammering over every word.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

winter comes a-knocking

bbc weather forecast

alright.... the temperature is plummeting!!!