Friday, January 26, 2007

looking back

i read through ALL my blog entries.... and some of my thoughts on employment resurfaced.
you've got to find what you love

Excerpt from my blog:
Sunday, July 10, 2005
[seek out a star]
it's really tough when ur expectations and reality don't match. apparently i have to start moving along the following path.

aerospace engr --> mechanical engr --> engr --> non-technical
*i wanted to be aero engr, and applied to virtually all such companies in sg, but no luck at that point....and i was thinking i had to give up and go do something totally unrelated like teaching! (OMG!!! PUKE PUKE)

through a few twists, i somehow managed to get myself on a plane to UK, RR....which is possibly the best thing that can happen to a fresh grad. (yet to be determined! hahahha)

nothing much i really wanna say, except to follow ur dreams...and live your passion!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

it snowed last night!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

fav british topic: weather

pple are always telling me that i'm so underweight that the wind will blow me away...

"bleahh....what rubbish!" i say.

i almost got blown away on thursday and narrowly missed becoming roadkill. i was walking from one office building to another, along a road. the wind was very strong, and it was difficult to walk properly. at times the wind will blow from the back, propelling me forward, and the next second it will totally impede my forward movement. i was concentrating on keeping my feet in a reasonable straight line, when suddenly a VERY STRONG gust of wind blew from my side. This horrid gust of wind caught me when i had just one foot in contact with the ground, and DRAGGED that foot across the pavement for at least 3 inches. for those milliseconds, i had no control whatsoever, and i was being blown to the road with cars whizzing past. thankfully the wire fence was within grabbing distance and my adrenaline surge provided just enough strength and speed for me to grab the fence and regain balance.
It was scary.....and i had abt 300 more metres to walk....

the real horror sunk in when i read the news later in the day. at least one man had been blown off and died when he was smashed into a wall.

a colleague's wife was driving when a sign post came FLYING towards her. She swerved and managed to avoid most of the sign post, but the car was damaged such that it had to be towed to a workshop. thankfully she was unhurt, but woke up the next day with muscle sores all over her body.

my neighbourhood had many fallen trees and damaged fences, but generally not in too bad a condition. i'm not sure abt other areas....

But Derby is right smack in the middle of UK, and the winds etc are strongest along coastlines. i dont even want to begin thinking abt the conditions at the coasts!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

newspaper article

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

a rare commodity indeed

that is my current msn nick. i have heard news over the weekend which are total scandals, and i dont know how much worse it can get. every other day i get updates which go in the most scandalous directions u can think of. i can't go into further details, or reveal any names. but this makes me think that innocence is a rare commodity indeed. pls treasure whatever innocence and pureness u have........

also, the relationship part of my life is a bit muddled up right now, but i'm just hoping things will eventually present themselves more clearly, and a way out will suddenly appear. (think of moses and the red sea)
nothing bad's happening, dont worry!

just no idea what to do now.... =)

Friday, January 05, 2007

weird post

i think i am anaemic. a brief search on google revealed that some pple are naturally anaemic, which i belive i am:

anaemic because:
1. the blood tests show so
2. i feel the cold

naturally anaemic because:
1. i dont have known excessive loss of blood like heavy monthly things, or bowel bleeding
2. i eat a lot of iron n folate but still anaemic
3. i bruise easily and the bruises take a long time to go away
4. i've got dark eye rings even though i sleep moderate hours. (dark rings are a symptom of anaemia, especially in the young)

conclusion: i'm naturally anaemic coz my vein and blood vessel walls are too fragile, and they leak. blood picked up by lymphatics and discharged through the bowel.