Friday, April 29, 2005

i'm baaacckkk!!!

my current msn nick says it all.
"did a *bleep* lousy fyp, gave a *bleep* lousy presentation, but do i care?"

two questions by the examiner was enough to shoot down the whole proj. anyway all i have to do now is change a few words and then print and hard-cover bind 3 copies. (waste of paper, ink and $$)

anyway, i've still got abt 10% of my flu, but i'm gg ubin tm morning! early early! jane's fren is fetching me at 6:30am (does such a time exist?). thank goodness service no. 8533 runs from 4am.

*Ciang Ciang Ciang!!*
discovery of the day!! who likes strawberries? you? or you? good news... coz i'm gg to make sure u will never eat another strawberry again! hehe..
well, i was looking at a large strawberry today, and suddenly i was captivated by the little seeds on the strawberry. the seeds are kind of embedded in the fruit, and they are either white or brown-black. isnt it a familiar scene?

[think of ur face]

the next 5 mins are for you all to buzz on the tagboard.

i'm still sick

still sick. and in a few hrs i'll have to do my presentation. am so gonna die for it and totally no mood to practise.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005


sneezes and sniffles.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

c'est chaud comme l'été

le printemps (sounds like ler-pun-too) = spring
l'été (leetee) = summer
l'automne (loo-tomb) = autumn
l'hiver (lee-vell) = winter
!! :P

i think this is the furthest of my interest in french ... hehe

i dreamt

that i was struck by lightning. i was in an open space near my old house in kallang, and was aware that a storm was coming. i was desperately looking for shelter, but the nearest building was like 500m away. then i got zapped. it wasn't as bad as i expected; i just felt a warm sensation sweeping from my head to my feet. phew! i had lived through a lightning strike! then suddenly someone next to me shouted, "Look at your hand!"

I looked at the inner side of my left hand, and discovered some kind of scar. there was a word imprinted, and after trying hard to read it (i wasn't wearing specs), i made out the word: SINgaPORE.

so duh-uh....
anyway after surviving the lightning, i decided to celebrate. how abt a buffet? a....PIZZA buffet?? YUMMY!! i was very happy and i think i was staring at a few juicy steaming hot pizzas........

*woke up*. maybe i'll go for a pizza buffet today! then i realised that pizza hut no longer has upsetting!

Monday, April 25, 2005

do you know that...

the best time to clean your navel is when you are at least 5 mths pregnant?
that's when the navel pops out and exposes itself for cleaning.


what do you do when...

1. your dad has signs of having a gd female cheena fren, talks softly and giggles over the phone? most curiously, he's amazingly defensive.

2. your mum "lends" the family digicam to "some colleague" in the middle of the night? the digicam is returned as if it hasn't been used b4. no new photos in the memory card. and without the cable, photos can't be exported.

i'm no 5 yr old kindergarten kid, but i still dunno what to do.
22.5 yrs old already....but what am i capable of?

work work

yup..after slacking ard for 5 days, it's time to sit down and get my presentation settled. recently, one classmate commented to another one that i'm very last-min because i'm always rushing to hand up assignments on the very last day. :( i don't even know this classmate very well and he spoke like this behind my back. it's true that i hand up *punctually*....but i still don't feel too gd abt someone saying it out.
well....i'm gg to try to get my slides done earlier this time. hmpf!

yummy.. i'm settling down with a bowl of cheddar cheese ruffles, and a big mug of iced water. (i nearly poured the water onto my ruffles!). hope these will make me do some work.

Sunday, April 24, 2005


i'm not going to add the chatterbox feature just yet, coz it feels kinda noisy. i'll have a quiet blog first. hehe. =P

today was grandparents' houses visiting day.

had my first taste of 猪脚醋 cooked by my grandma. it was quite nice, with a slight hint of ginger. it's a "trial" for my sis who would have to eat it for the first two wks following delivery. =P yummy... the pork leg and "muscles" were very tender and flavourful. *drool*

@ntuc (hougang, near old interchange)
my sis received a call from her neighbour, who told her that one of her windows was not closed, and the curtains are flapping thru the window. i was quite surprised that she got a little annoyed at her hubby for leaving it open. seems like a small matter wat. then she said that someone upstairs might throw a cigarette butt down and the curtains may catch fire. i was abt to roll my eyes at this rather far-fetched possibility, but attributed it to some pregnancy mood swing. anyway her annoyance wasn't directed at me :P

two aunts were discussing my plans to travel after graduation. one aunt offered to loan me $ if my parents don't. it was all done in a joking manner, but i thought i saw some funny/mixed emotions in her eyes when she said it. her only child is 1 yr younger than me, and he dropped out from poly. he's got a job now, but it isn't very proper... maybe she was thinking abt her son. (or maybe i just read too much into that look which lasted all of 1000 milleseconds.)

Saturday, April 23, 2005

ms giant

hehe.. i'm very active today coz it's my first day of blogging!

yup, the latest thing to catch my attention is the ms giant pageant that's on ch8 right now. the first few were so nervous, and could hardly deliver their two-liner speeches. only the last one (no. 12, i think) seems more "quality"; she's a programmer.

near future

with the hrm paper out of the way, the only obstacle to freedom (or being a bummer as yl tactfully put it) is the fyp presentation next friday. keeping fingers crossed that mister ks yeo won't ask me abt the math.....or the programming cuz i know nuts abt them.
just lemme grad... BUT no interviews yet, no job offers. when will i get employed?

learning to blog

I had a couple of blogs before, when the craze started. but none survived more than 3 days: i was just too lazy to update them. hopefully this one can last longer! =)

i've been staring at the html syntax in the template settings, and can roughly understand it. (looks better than fortran!!) my photos are not really up yet...coz i'm a slow learner. =|

i hope to update the comments part soon... it looks really ugh.



i just had a scare, when my IE wouldn't let me access some sites. my firewall was also repelling intrusion attempts, with the counter jumping like the nkf hotline.

luckily a computer-literate friend was online and gave some suggestions like deleting temp internet files and so on. in desparation, i hurriedly ran my norton 2005 and adware. everything's back to normal now. =P

here's one of my frequently-visited websites: Hamster Hideout Forum

btw, i like the stuff abt quantum physics, and the warping of time and space. I don't know much abt it, but would like to read more abt it when i'm free.