my dreams last night were full of jumping, climbing, leaping and fleeing for my life. i dreamt that my fyp supervisor was going after my partner and i, because a girl he likes is wooing my partner and i! and she's a really small girl, like below 10 yrs old. and we kept fleeing from my sup's army of alien soldiers. there were many settings. for example one was on board Superstar Virgo.
on my cruise, i was struck by how slippery and scary the sideview of the cruise ship was. if u fell over the railings at the top level, it's a good eight or nine storeys of air before u smash into the sea. in my dream, i was on the top level, and had to climb over the railings to escape. i still had enough common sense to spiderman down the side to a lower level, and not jump to my death... so that was one mini face off.
the ship was moving quickly towards the shore...much too quickly. as we were reaching the beach, the ship started rotating, like trying to make a u-turn to return to the sea. (this is actually what i experienced when Virgo was docking. the captain rotated the ship 180 deg so they could dock in the correct direction.)
before long, the ship ran aground, and broke into two. everyone was trying to grab their luggage and get onto land. i was worried that the fuel tanks or engine room would explode, and was screaming at all the ignorant pple to quit searching for their bags and just scram. at this time, i got pursued by my sup's army again.
i ran into some beach resort (similar to the one i stayed in, on tioman) and into a room. suddenly i found a few allies, and we tried to think of an escape plan together. nothing came out of our brainstorming. *BOOM BOOOM BOOM*
oh no! the alien soldiers were trying to break down the door! AHHH
we all ran to the super huge balcony, and climbed over the wooden railings AGAIN. i remembered climbing carefully so that i won't scrape myself on the wood/splints and the sharp edges. This time, however, we couldnt do the spiderman thing to go downstairs. there was a swimming pool to jump into, though. but it was still at least 4 or 5 storeys down. so the group of us just hung on the "outside" of the balcony and waited for the soldiers to come.
they did, and came immediately to the balcony. we all held our breath, so that these soldiers wouldn't detect our presence. (hahha...old trick from chinese vampire movies.) these aliens were pale pink, and they had elephant snouts. they came near and sniffed around, but couldnt detect us coz we were not breathing.
then suddenly, somebody shouted something.
turns out that these pink soldiers are not our enemies, but our friends! they are not my sup's army! hehe.. so they helped us climb over and that's the end. tiring!!
i visited 2 pple in hospital yesterday.
my grandpa was very weak on saturday, and almost "gone". but yesterday he was much better and more alert, thanks to some booster drugs the doc gave him. but they have to monitor him after removing the drugs, and see if he can recover on his own...
my sec1 cousin had an appendix operation. the surgeons did not stitch up the wound after the operation, coz they wanted to inspect the insides a few days later. ughhh
i think he was in quite some pain, coz sometiems his face contorted and he bit his lips. sigh....