Tuesday, January 31, 2006

a different type of Day 3

Happy Chinese New Year!!!!!!

hope everyone's been having a great new year so far! =)
i started the new year with some apprehension coz according to the zodiac predictions, this yr is not a gd yr for the dogs (aka me and a lot of u guys out there). but who cares....hehehhe =P

let's start with the reunion dinner. I always go to my paternal grandma's house for reunion dinner, and we always need 2 tables to accomodate the entire family. traditionally, the big table is for the adults (ie. grandma and the uncles & aunties), while the smaller foldable table is for the 3rd generation. as the yrs go by, there is more and more space at the foldable table. we are now missing 2 pple already: my first cousin who is married and staying in UK with her husband, and my sis who is married and thus has her reunion dinner with her husband's family. which leaves our kids' table with just my second cousin (i think she is a manager at credit suisse), another cousin who is in her 4th yr at uni and the last "baby" who is in sec2 now. yup....4 girls. =)
my credit suisse cousin asked me when i'd be gg to uk, and whether i'm excited abt it, etc.... so i gave the same old ans abt having mixed feelings etc. i was surprised to note that her tone was very businesslike and executive, and immediately i felt like i was talking to my manager. i had to switch from a very casual mode to a very proper, mature mode, incl proper english. it felt kind of funny to chat with my cousin like that. well, i guess she must really be holding a rather high post now..

last night (CNY day 2) i was invited to visit a colleague's house. this is the same host as the christmas party one. in the midst of all the merry making, my boss (technically he's not my direct boss) asked me how has the attachment at ieco been so far, and i said that after a few days of "orientation", i'm not quite sure wat to do next. i said i will understudy the engineers there whenever they are free, which is not very frequent. yet again, i had to switch from casual and CNY mood to alert and proper mode, because i could feel that my boss was trying to get some kind of feedback from me regarding the 2wk attachment. lucky i only had 1 can of carlsberg, and was able to think clearly. hope that what i said was still reasonable....

p.s. drinking yeo's sugarcane juice might give u better luck when playing 21-pts. i had buang-luck in the first 2 rounds and made an overall gain of 30% of my capital.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

day 3

i'm still eagerly looking forward to emails fr my colleagues, but i am sad to find out a truth.

i must say that i'm no as violently company-sick as yesterday. that proves that time really can erode even the strongest of emotions....
so here's my least liked phrase: the only constant in life is change.

on a lighter note, i'm gg to walk back to saesl after work tm, to collect my pineapple tarts, to meet up with some of my colleagues and have dinner with them. hope there won;t be last min changes (dinner was supposed to be today, but got postponed.), coz i cant wait to meet up.


btw, for the curious ones, my company website is SAESL
there is some gameshow sponsored by EDB which features saesl for a short while. i think it will be telecast on this thurs nite, on ch8. prob 8 or 830pm. don't worry, u won't be able to see me on tv. hhehe...

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

i am so company-sick

it's day 2, and i'm horribly company-sick. i wanna go back to saesl....=(
i keep thinking of wat they are doing at different times of the day, and imagine their conversations. 2 of my colleagues send me email during the day, abt one email per 2 hrs, but that's not enough to keep the company-sickness at bay. today they celebrated someone's bday and i received 2 pics of the bday girl cutting her cake and of the other pple. i wished so much that i was there too....
instead, i'm stuck at another place, so near yet so far, with unfamiliar pple and unfamiliar surroundings. gosh gosh how am i going to survive 9 mths in derby? i mean....at least now i get to go home, see my family and sleep in my own bed.

and today is only day2 but i have misplaced my safety goggles.....hope i can find them tm. =|

2 down, 8 more days to go.....

i can't wait to go back..........

wat if i get sent to ieco after the 18mths training.....=`(

*just saw my horoscope in the newspaper. i dont really believe in these coz the descriptions are usually vague, but i read my horoscope everyday anyway. today's caught me by surprise.

"It is true that everything changes, but nothing is ever lost. If you are dealing with a lot of upheaval or unexpected change, whatever has happened before will always be with you in some way."

Sunday, January 22, 2006

tm....a new little journey

i'll be having an attachment at another company for the next 2 and half wks. a little apprehensive abt going to a new place on my own, not knowing anyone there. i feel a bit sad abt not being able to see my original colleagues for this period, although i'd be meeting them for a counterstrike session this coming friday. well, i'm treating this as a mini-rehearsal for my real 9 mths attachment in derby. =|

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

been feeling down

i dunno why, but i suddenly realise that i have been quieter and perhaps more gloomy or less hyper these 2 mths. maybe coz i feel like i'm stagnating at work or not learning enough, either at the office or reading up at home. there is plenty to learn, and i just aim to scratch the surface of a few areas. but i have been lazy and not even starting to learn. sigh sigh...
i kind of made a small promise to myself not to waste this training period, and that i should pick up something new everyday. at the end of each day, i wanna be able to say, "today, i learnt...."
it doesnt even have to be technical; it could be something like learning how to write emails in a nice manner and not sound demanding, etc.
another mental note: must be more inquisitive and proactive. if someone asks me to collect data on a certain engine component, i should ask their intention for data collection, and also know the basic functions and problems of that component, etc. not just blindly collect data....

perhaps i should go out with frens more often. maybe the work-home-work routine is having some kind of adverse effect on me. blah blah blah.....

Saturday, January 14, 2006


yup. i managed to steal some bandwidth from a very kind neighbour.

my grandfather passed away on thursday afternoon, and my family is bz wif the wake and rites. he's been very weak for a few yrs now, and i think he passed peacefully. we are all ok...and i learnt how to fold the simplest joss paper origami.

in the meantime, i havent made any decision regarding my internet connection yet.