Thursday, July 06, 2006

no time

i thought with shorter working hours and shorter (but more tiring) travelling times, i would have more free time to do things like blog or watch tv or sleep. but no leh....large chunks of my time everyday is spent on grocery shopping and cooking and washing! ughhhh
i shall soon adopt my housemates' way of cooking. they cook once or twice a wk, enough for 2 meals a day. so instead of cooking everyday, can reduce the number of times. now i cook every night for dinner and the next day's lunch. (have to dabao my own food there...)

here are some pics finally! actually i havent really taken many pics, coz there isnt much to take pic of. i want to show my company and the city centre, but i always forget to bring my camera when i go out.

my house
BOTTLE of salt
my bike....
cheap chicken thighs


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