Friday, July 07, 2006


aiyah..i wrote a nice long mail abt lotsa stuff but i lost it! =(

want to say that although the working hours and travelling times are shorter here, i dont really seem to have as much free time as predicted. maybe that's coz i spend a lot of time cooking and cleaning up. everyday after work, will stop by the supermarket and buy groceries. can't buy too much and stock up for the whole week or something coz the fridge is too small (think of a kitchen cabinet) for 4 pple. so each person gets one shelf of space. same for the freezer. so we shop, cook and clean up everyday. have to cook dinner and next day's lunch at one shot, coz we dabao lunch to work everyday. (yah, cycling with a full lunch box in my glam).

(juz realised that the post which i thought i lost was published after all!)

there were many silly things that happened over the past 2 wks, and i cant wait to forget them. there is a megastore called Argos which has an unique sales concept. from internet or from their free book catalogues, u choose the products u want, and u can go to the store to write down your orders on Argos-printed slips of paper. much like buying 4D! each product has a serial number, so just write down the numbers then go and pay.
i was buying a few bed-stuff like duvet, pillow, bedsheets and pillow cases etc. paid up and collected my stuff and left. when i got home, i realised that i have bought the wrong size for my bedsheets. my bed is a queen size but i got a single-sized bedsheet set. thank god the rest were of the right size. i folded back the wrong one and slept in my sleeping bag for 2 nights. one of the trainees who was going back to singapore left me two right-sized bedsheets and i have been using them.
i eventually went back to Argos during the weekend and asked for a refund. i have quoted the wrong product number, and expected a lot of hassle in getting a refund or even an exchange. but the staff there just looked at my bedsheets and turned to her colleague and said, "can we sell this?" the colleague said no problem. i promptly received the full refund. yeahhhh!!! this will most prob not happen in sg...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That (Argos) is what is known as a catalogue store, you mountain tortoise =P

Most big stores in UK have a no-questions-asked return policy if you return the item promptly and in good condition. I've returned a CD to Borders before. But please don't abuse it and give us Singaporeans a bad name =P

Those chicken thighs aren't cheap, by the way...

Sigh, you're making me miss UK *sniff*

Saturday, July 08, 2006 11:52:00 PM  
Blogger who? said...

yeah i lugged back a catalogue after visiting the serves as a breakfast magazine now.. =P

no lah, i wont be buying much stuff fr argos, coz my house is fully furnished. just needs some handy things like clothes racks etc...but i think it's an interesting concept! shud bring it to sg, except that pple like my mum won't patronise it coz she wants to see the things before buying...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 4:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey if u need clothes,check out primark. heard the manchester outlet is huge. H&N oso not bad;p

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 2:05:00 AM  

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