Monday, December 26, 2005


this is an ultra long wkend for me, with parties on 23rd, 24th and a chalet on 27th & 28th!! woohooooo!!!

lotsa things have been going thru my mind, esp whenever i have a peaceful moment to myself. i'm glad to say that everything's gg fine so far, and i'll keep working at things to make 'em all fine.
(haha...i'm not saying very much, am i?)

Monday, December 19, 2005

yadda yadda

realised that my titles don't make much sense anymore. i just have a generic kind of heading and then dump all my thoughts in like this.....

well, it's time to write my quarterly progress report. i thought i could just anyhow write a few lines about what i learnt and then submit to manager/EDB. but no, when i mentioned the report to my father, he immediately said that the report is a very important document which the bosses will place some focus on. i have to write well, and also have to take special note of what i write. =( now i really have to sit down and write a proper report....

i so hate it when i make the same mistake twice. but i really forget the first time i made the mistake. then when i do it again, i really wanna whack myself for not remembering the right way to do things.

working is a really tiring battle, not really in the physical sense. but i suddenly view working as lotsa arrows coming from all directions, and i have to keep a steady mind in order to think of the best way to deflect all the arrows. i don't mean a whole pile of work, but each arrow is like a different challenge/problem:- perhaps a worry abt how to maintain gd working relations with different groups of pple, or how best to present some data, or why something is like that, or how not to appear stupid and slow, esp in front of the boss n colleagues, etc etc etc.

and the little newspaper article published in Today a few days ago isnt helping actually. it actually labelled us TAP trainees as "high flyers" and painted a really rosy picture of our futures. even before the article was published, the whole company knew abt the TAP program and the "scholar" trainees. the technicians, trainers, inspectors and even our own engineer colleagues sometimes mention that nopbody dares to hantam us even when we make mistakes, coz we will be their bosses in the future, becuz we are TAP trainees. =(
i always try to downplay it, becuz i honestly dont believe we are like scholars. haiz...i dunno la. then cannot appear slightest bit stuck up or non-humble, otherwise tongues will all start wagging....argh

and just when i was abt to leave my home to go jogging this evening, i got a phone call from an office-looking number. die la....what did i do this time to warrant a call from work? apprehensively, i answered the call.

"hello yiwen? Jxxxxx here ah. just wanted call and find out how u are doing."


when i finally snapped my phone shut, i had agreed to meet someone for dinner in jan. on a specfic day at a specific time and place. dammmmmm......the very last person on this planet i want to meet..... dammmm

Sunday, December 18, 2005

summary....again modem at home only works when connected to the really old pc, which doesnt work sometimes, and hangs easily. =( my more usable laptop is still out of action...and i have no idea how to get it back into a working relationship with the modem.

got plenty of things to say, but by the time my hardware works, everything has to be summarized and condensed like campbell soup. (yummy!)
i just discovered that my boss wears $200 shirts to work everyday, that my colleague looks very different unshaven and in t-shirt & shorts & carrying his 3mth old son, that mr cheang (ex-rgs chn teacher) stays in punggol and buys 4D & that this is the second time i have met him - first time was in marine parade, and MOST IMPORTANTLY, I have put on weight!!

was just gazing at my feet just now and i could no longer see my feet bones clearly! i used to be able to see the bones, when i try to flex my toes up. now i just see bulges. and my tummy has become more substantial! a quick weigh on the scale showed an increase of 500g since i last weighed, one wk ago. i wonder what i can attribute all these to. the beer i had last friday (a treat by some other dept boss)? or all the gd food i have been eating outside of home?

many things remain mysteries, and until i can get the laptop problems resolved, u shall get more of my campbell soup....tata~!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

thinking n thinking n thinking

hmm no lah, i havent really been doing much thinking lately. just that my new colleagues are commenting that that will miss me and the other trainee when we move over to UK for 9mths. i have mixed feelings when i hear that; we have only known each other for abt 2 mths, but i think some of us have bonded quite well. and we are thinking abt how we will miss each other 7mths into the future. sad, but also feeling comforted by the fact that we have all become frens.
(uh, yilin, sorry ah, if i'm being a bit insensitive)
wah lau...i think i will cry on my last day here leh. =( i'm already thinking of telling them not to go send us off at the airport when the day comes.

today while going to work (i had to take the bus n walk the long path to office coz my taxi-mates did not work today), i met two colleagues at the bus stop. as we walked along the path, we noticed a mass of ants on the floor. a closer look revealed a poor slug being eaten alive/chased by army of ants!! the slug was very alive still, and its antennas were moving n its body was moving. one of my colleagues (a girl) poured water on the ants to chase them off the slug. when she finished her waterbottle-supply, i chipped in with the little amt (prob 100ml) i had. the slug seemed to be able to shake off the ants and move on. i hope it survived. =|

p/s: i think the only 2 candidates for the anonymous comment in the previous post are yimei n saj? hehe... didnt think of it. =P

Monday, December 12, 2005

pretty please?

since i'm not using my laptop to access internet for the time being, can those of u with blogs which u dont mind me reading please gimme the blog addresses?

so far i can only rem yimei's and sajlia's ones coz they are really easy to remember! =P if u are too shy to publicly display ur blog address, can just email me too!

(and to those w/o blogs, won't u guys consider setting one up so i can still know what's gg on in ur lives? =P)

oh my god

u have no idea how relieved i am at having internet connection at home!!!
my laptop is still down, and i'm only able to use the net by setting up my super old pc and plugging in all those really old wires. i mean, i have to plug in the power cable, the cpu-monitor power cable, the mouse, keyboard and usb modem. this ancient comp has only 2 usb ports actually.....thank goodness i have bought a 1-to-4 usb hub at the beginning of this yr! otherwise can u imagine having to choose between a modem, mouse and keyboard??
now i have to think of how to salvage my poor laptop. warranty expired in apr this yr, but i can't just throw it away and buy a new one. still having power surge problems at the laptop usb ports and also some other assorted problems for which i still can't pinpoint root causes. (then again, there must be a reason why i'm not making computing my lifelong career!)

my life is still revolving (and spinning) around work and more work. i'm consciously trying to compare less with my fellow trainee (note: trying). keep telling myself not to get too comfy and settle into daily routines.... have to keep jerking myself out of the comfort zone, in order to learn more and not be satisfied with what i currently know. i think it's tough, esp when all my life i've been trying to achieve a comfy lifestyle! i guess i'll try to stick to this motto for as long as i can. see how lor. =|

meanwhile, let's celebrate the fact that i can actually blog from HOME!!!!!!'s really no use trying to blog fr work coz i'm always scared that someone will walk along the corridor behind me and see wat i'm doing. my rearview mirror doesn't help much when i'm totally focusing on the screen....

mai-ee-ya-heee!! mai-ee-ya-hooo!!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

laptop dieded

yup...dieded laptop....

sigh, now blogging from work. no inspiration though....

Saturday, December 03, 2005

wat a week

actually nothing much happened, except that i did OT for the first time, and till late night. tue 9:30pm, thur 11:30pm. tue night was an attempt to clear some work that has been hanging around for a long long time. managed to clear some of it, but still unfinished.

thur afternoon was a mad rush to get a new assignment done and present it at a meeting. my boss and a co-worker from another department kept asking me if i knew wat was going on. seriously, i didn't. after the meeting, they signed on my document (it's a procedure to show that they acknowledge my doc and approve it). later, i went to look thru the doc and check and double check a lot of stuff. i realised that there were several things i had missed out. [oh no, i'm finding difficulty in forming proper sentences!]

by then it was quite late in the night, but i just had to get the stuff settled before going home, otherwise i'll screw up the entire process of repairing the engine. that's something i really fear. the only pple around were 2 new engrs who entered the company the same time as me. went round and round the company database and manuals to check things, and by the time i got the document amended, it was 1130pm liao. =(

fri morning was spent printing new copies of that document and other docs, explaining to my boss what changes i made and why, and getting everyone to re-sign the docs. ughhhh


on hindsight, i almost made a huge error. when my boss asked me if i understood wat's going on, i said not really. lucky i didn't say that i did, becuz that's a really obvious lie. from a prior experience with him, i discovered that he could lose his temper with pple who don't know things, but claim that they do.

sigh sigh...
why do i always bother abt how pple view me and my work performance?

time to go practise taking close up photos and to read up on engines and materials.....